Your Greatest Adversary is Yourself

Please enjoy this segment from last year’s workshop at Santa Fe. My next workshop “Universal Archetypal Experiences” is streaming live starting this Monday and I hope you can join us.
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It is so exquisitely important for me to communicate to you how powerful getting to the symbolic archetypal level of your perceptual system is. Our goal is to get you to maneuver at the high altitude of your perceptual system. But there’s not a simple formula. You are going to try and do that by thinking, by thinking there must be a way. And that’s not it. This is a lifestyle. This is a living relationship to your power. This requires you to understand the world differently, yourself differently. You establish a very different relationship with how you understand the construction of life itself, and how you conduct yourself within every decision you make, and every choice you make. This isn’t like you asking me to teach you mathematics so that you stop going into debt. I am going to try and help you not to go into energetic debt. But that requires that you take on your greatest adversary, and your greatest adversary is yourself.