You Are a Stranger to Yourself

Here is an absolute truth. You were born not knowing yourself.
You don’t get that you are a stranger to yourself, and that your journey of life is essentially a journey of you getting to know yourself. Which is why you’re always surprised when someone finds out something about you that you didn’t know. In every single year, and every single decade you find out something more about yourself. What do you think life experiences are? Experiences that reveal unto you who you are.
And if you could see clearly, if you could see how heaven set it up – in every situation, if you could possibly imagine that the nonphysical, the holy world is standing there saying – how are you going to use your soul in this moment? What kind of choice are you going to make in this moment?
You go into a haze because you think that what you’re looking at is the real world, but in fact, it’s a stage in which the universe is saying – what are you going to do with your soul right now? Are you going to lean into the invisible world and say – how shall I use my power? Or are you going to panic and think I am powerless? Which is it?
Please enjoy this session from my 2021 workshop “The Call to Empowerment” If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – please click here to learn more »
We are living at an extraordinary time in human history – the era of self-realization. Mystical truths are awakening into the mainstream of life, into our understanding of health, and making their way into how we relate to nature. We are in the foothills of a bio-spiritual-ecological relationship with creation – and this is organic Divinity. All creation is an expression and manifestation of the Divine. While traditional religions slowly fade into the background, gradually human beings are threading the consciousness of their souls into the holy, organic fabric of the Universe, finally accepting that all life is connected to the Divine inner net.