Work with the Gods

Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Exploring Your Tree of Life” presented in 2017.
Every prayer you say, “Help me find the strength in my soul,” will get answered faster than you think. That’s wisdom. Know how the Gods work. Know how heaven works. And then work with the Gods. They’re hidden in everything, in every single thing.
For many years now, I have presented a three-column, ten-level model of the chakras. Chakras 8 – 10 became essential to my teaching as I learned more about our energetic – indeed, our cosmic – nature. The ten Sefirot, or Tree of Life of the Kabbalah, describe the ten qualities of God’s Divine nature. They align with our seven chakras, as I introduced twenty years ago in Anatomy of the Spirit. (Since three of the ten Sefirot share the same level, thus the Tree of Life has seven levels, but ten Sefirot.) Those ten Sefirot, however, can also be explored in a one-to-one relationship with all ten chakras.
The laws of the universe are an impersonal organizing force, and you were born knowing that. Your 10th Chakra is your God zone; whenever you touch your forehead or the top of your head, you’re hitting a God zone. When you do this, you’re activating, in a subtle, almost homeopathic way, your recognition that there are laws governing creation. For every choice you make, you set in motion consequences, which is why you know there’s no such thing as a small choice.
If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – you can click here to learn more »