Why was I born?

Hi, everybody,
It’s time for an archetypal message. At the end of last year, I said that I would expand what I was doing with archetypes to include archetypal experiences that we all have in common. And today I thought I would examine what I think is one of those primary archetypal questions that everybody asks themselves. And it’s interesting because there was a time when everybody did not ask themselves this question. But life has changed, and we have changed. And the times in which we live, have ushered in a very different focus for who we are, and how we engage with life.
And that question is – for what reason have I been born?
This question is archetypal in its very nature. It’s a cosmic question. What you’re saying to the universe is take me down deep, and show me the reason that you’ve given me life. There is something in us that knows that if I ask that question, maybe I’m going to change the direction of my life.
So I give that to you, as a beginning stage as a beginning step, saying that everybody asks that question. And it’s not an answer that’s going to come to you through FedEx, or through a person. It’s answered in the way you participate in the answer.
So I send you a whole lot of grace because we need it. And thank you. And I hope I hope 2024 turns out to be a year full of wondrous surprises for us. I really do. I hope the non-physical world really guides this universe we live in.