What is Holy Language?

Holy language touches something in you that ordinary words don’t touch. When you’re going through a difficult passage and someone says to you “don’t you worry – everything will work out” no matter how well-meaning they are, it doesn’t hit that spot – that spiritual sweet spot. They mean well, and in the moment you may feel comforted, but you don’t feel safe. You don’t – here’s the operative word, the holy word – believe it. Believe. There’s nothing in you that says “you’re right – I will be OK.”
Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “The Power of Holy Language to Change Your Life” presented at The Manor House in 2019. If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – please click here to learn more »
Understanding the power of holy language can change your life. Holy language has the capacity to inspire you, to open your inner world to guidance, to bring you to a place of resolution, and to help you see your way through a dark night. We turn to holy language when we need healing, when we are in despair, and when we recognize we have been given a miracle. Ordinary language is simply inadequate to communicate the gratitude of the soul.
P.S. You can enjoy this workshop and dozens more like it by joining my Inner-Net Membership. Please click here to learn more »