What are you being told now that you weren’t told last year?

Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “The Sacred InnerNet,” presented in 2025.
Every one of you has some kind of intuitive instruction going on now that you did not have last year. I promise you. What are you being told now that you weren’t told last year?
One of the most difficult challenges for me is to find the language to convey how extraordinary these times are in which we live. I can use the word, transformation, but that one word in no way communicates everything in life that is actually undergoing the process of transformation, or what that means for the present moment and for the future.
I think the time has come for us to consciously utilize the power of our Innernet, the threads of Light that connect us to each other. We need to live the Laws, to learn how to rely on the power of Mystical Laws. I believe that we can send Love and Light to each other, that we can help heal each other, that we can assist each other by sending each other prayers and grace. The more we understand the Mystical Laws, the more we become conscious of their power active in every choice we make.
Because this is a more intimate setting for a workshop, I use the closeness of our group to teach about the Sacred InnerNet, specifically to consciously animate the threads of Light that link us together so that we may experience the natural authority our soul has to be an agent of grace and healing in the world. It’s time.
If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – you can click here to learn more »