We’re Entering a New Era

Hi everybody,
I’m here with Lynn Bell and we’re going to talk about her wonderful upcoming class called “Entering a New Era – Chaos and Opportunities.” Just yesterday, I listened to an astronomer’s presentation on the lineup of the planets that are happening in the celestial world – an astronomer, not astrologer – talking about all the phenomenal astronomical, celestial lineups that are going to be happening this year, which is just a rare year on board for the heavens. Astronomers do not do the interpretation of the power of the planets, but I like to think of them as the mechanical molecules that are governing the flow of forces that then interact in our life. So I’m incredibly excited about this, because even astronomers are looking to the heavens, but I prefer talking to my dear friend Lynn, who tells me what it means, because that’s what matters to all of us. Please enjoy our conversation, and I hope you will join us for this wonderful course.
P.S. “Entering a New Era – Chaos & Opportunities” begins Tuesday, February 11.
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