
Hi, Everybody,
War is a huge archetypal force, and it’s alive in each of us. From the time I started doing readings, this was the perception I had. I finally concluded that every person goes to war in one way or another, including me. We choose our battles. But as long as we go to war, there will be war. It’s as simple as that.
Let me continue by saying that the subject of war raises the question of whether it is ever okay to go to war. And here’s the risk. We have to consider that these days, going to war always brings us to nuclear weapons, and there’s no going back from that point.
One of the reasons I’m so supportive of the programs Tirzah Firestone is doing is because she’s asking us to look at our ancestors, our history, and everything that we’re carrying that we can’t afford to carry anymore. We can’t afford to let these things still be an active agent. Our job is to create a future, not to relive the past.
Whenever we decide to go to war with someone, we regress in our patterns instead of seeing an alternative. And getting to that alternative is not easy because we need to get used to employing it. But that is the core teaching of every spiritual master: get out of the violence and into a higher place.
War is simply never going to work. It will never bring peace. It never has, and it never will.
Thank you, everybody.