The Vampire/Pessimist

Hi Everybody,
It’s time for another archetype video. This time, I will combine two archetypes because it’s the only way I can describe what I’m about to explain to you. Sometimes, we need two archetypes to describe a pattern, and the combination I want to put together today is the vampire pessimist.
Pessimists are complainers, and that’s part of their worldview. They complain. And when you invest your energy in complaining, you must get that energy from somewhere else because nothing comes back to you. So here comes the vampire which comes from the dark side of mythology.
One of its characteristics is that it bites us. It needs to feed off human blood, and it accesses that blood through the neck, which is the fifth chakra, a vulnerable zone and our power of choice. The vampiric energy weakens you, so you cannot function fully as an energetic being.
The universe forever supplies us with energy through ideas and inspirations, intuitive hits meant to enhance us. We are creative creatures and must give birth to ideas, healthy conversations, and ways of helping each other. When we do not engage with these opportunities, we become depleted.
The vampire-pessimist is a real force; if you are with somebody who is a pessimist-vampire, it’s up to you to plug the leak in your fifth chakra. I suspect many of you have experienced this archetypal duet. And it’s especially difficult if you’re living with people with this archetype. Or, dare I even ask, can you recognize this in yourself?
I’m doing a workshop next week on archetypes and these patterns. There’s so much to teach; I could teach it all year. If you are interested, check it out. I call them our silent psychic partners, which is precisely what they are. Please click here to learn more »
Hopefully, I’ll see you next week at my class. If not, there will always be more archetype videos.
Thank you, Everybody.