The Trickster

Hi, Everybody
It’s time for another archetype video, and today, I will do the Trickster. Several people have asked me to do the Trickster, and I admit I avoided it because it’s such a complex archetype.
The Trickster is truly one of those universal forces that is present in every culture in some way. It’s the coyote or the heyoka in Native America or the Loki in Norse mythologies. The Trickster is the God who disrupts the Gods, and appears when there is an opportunity to use chaos to initiate disruption and break through conventional thinking.
If you look at all of the cultural manifestations of this archetype, what we’re dealing with is a force that seems to operate within chaos, a force that appears to be deliberately disruptive, and it’s part of the handiwork of creation.
Understanding the Trickster is crucial, as it’s an archetypal pattern that can activate within you – your own inner Trickster. This understanding empowers you, putting you in control of the choices you make and preventing you from falling prey to the tricks of others.
That’s it right there. The Trickster utilizes your unconscious patterns to alert you that you need to trust in your instincts, guidance, and discernment process, or you’re ripe for a trickster.
Okay, thanks, everybody; I hope this helps.