The transformation journey is essential (Video)

Please enjoy the first half hour of “Riding the Phoenix Part III – How Your Soul Takes Flight.”
Life has always been a journey of transformation, but never before have the forces come to together quite with the same urgency that they are now. Like a “no turning back” pressure that’s just getting applied to the human experience. We must become a more conscious species. It is this awakening of the self that is at stake.
What is transformation about? It’s about considering anew… What is the purpose of life? Why do I make the choices I do? What shall motivate me in the brief years that I have on this earth? Is this a journey for taking and storing … and then what? Or is this a journey where I do what I can to benefit the quality of life for as many people that I can, for as long as I am here? How shall I understand this place that I live and how I work and how I’m built and what the governing system is?