The Storyteller and The Gossip

CORRECTION: In this video I mistakenly referred to Hedy Lamarr as a gossip columnist – when I meant to say Hedda Hopper.
Hi, Everybody –
It’s time for another archetype. This week, I’m combining two that relate to each other. We’re going to start with the storyteller and then go to the gossip, which is like the shadow side of the storyteller.
But I want to begin with a fantastic quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, who said, “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.” And that summarizes the difference between a great storyteller and a gossip and the width of the spectrum between them.
The great power of a storyteller is to take what you’ve gone through and use it as a launching pad into the theater of life itself. To understand the stories of others is the spiritual purpose of the storyteller.
For the gossip archetype, human information is social currency; It’s their key to getting into social circles, being popular, and having something to say.
If you tend to gossip, break that pattern. The choice for all of us, no matter the archetype, is whether we are gracing something or withholding grace.
Okay, so the storyteller and the gossip, what a team.
Thank you, everybody.