The Physical Laws are a Reflection of the Mystical Laws

Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Guide to the Mystical Laws” from 2016.
In this workshop, I’m excited to share unique and original ideas that I have been incubating and haven’t shared before. It is my deep belief that when I encounter or am shown new gardens, I need to bring them forth, and I am thrilled to do so with you.
We are living in one of the most significant turning points in human civilization. There has never been a time in human history that has the elements to it that this time has. We are standing at the end of thinking we are the only planet of life and at the beginning of joining a galactic community. This alone is dismantling every single religious theology on the planet. The religions will turn to powder, but the mystical teachings are what we will hold onto. These are the laws that we will talk about. These mystical laws have governed this universe and will continue to govern it long after the earth’s evolution spins past this era.
Learning the mystical laws is not just a journey, it’s a transformation. You will change your life in ways you never thought possible. You will discover that you have a relationship with creative forces that extend beyond your conscious choices. Every single choice you make, be it emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual, observational, or reactionary, has endless consequences. This realization is not just powerful, it’s life-changing. For years, people have taken one workshop after another, striving to empower their minds or personalities, but genuine empowerment comes from understanding the creative authority of your own inner nature and soul. That is the focus of this extraordinary workshop.
If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop, please click here to learn more »