The Narcissist

Hi, Everybody –
It’s time for this week’s new archetype, and I’m doing the narcissist, an archetype requested by most people.
Curiously, I haven’t had a request for the mother or the father or archetypes that are commonly popular but instead, “Will you please do the narcissist?” This makes me think that more people are coping with narcissistic relationships. So I’m going to do the narcissist, and I have a twist on it that I’ll introduce at the end.
The common narcissist thinks they are owed everything and is unable and unwilling to recognize other people’s needs and feelings. A narcissist is an ego on steroids.
I have observed that the narcissistic personality has erupted as an epidemic in our modern-day society. We are participating in the dynamic of creation. Everything we say and think sparks an act of creation. The narcissistic personality is like a caboose on a very extraordinary train where the engine is the soul. The caboose is the personality that still needs to acknowledge that it’s not about gaining and getting power on this earth; it’s about realizing how much you can influence the power on this earth.
So I’ll leave you with that thought. It’s a wild thought, but I don’t think I’m that far off base.
Okay, thank you, everybody. I’m glad you’re enjoying these.