The Judge

Hi, Everybody –
It’s time for another archetype video, and I decided to do the judge this week because we are amid a legal season.
Now, when we think about the judge archetype, and I mean the archetype, what comes to mind within the Western world is the iconic story of Solomon – because that story represents the pinnacle of the judge and the capacity to separate from the two people involved in an issue and ascend to a level of wisdom.
Judgment is the capacity to see clearly and recognize we’ll never know all the details; we’ll never know all the facts. We can only work with what’s in front of us to the best of our ability. We can disassociate from details that are not significant and use a higher order of discernment in making a decision.
Any archetypal pattern is a completely impersonal pattern. But we all have an active element of the judge in us and battle judge mentalism. And we all have to make judgments. So I offer you the teaching of judgment and discernment as a way of realizing you have the choice not to fall prey to being a victim or to be caught in the duality of I’ve got to win or lose. There could be a third way or other options. Maybe, there’s the way of Solomon.
Thank you, everyone.