The Forever Mystery of Faith

Please enjoy this prayer from my new Reflections Series “Through the Firewall.”
We require faith and trust for our life to make sense to us. I have listened to so many people describe why they are depressed or anxious or unhappy in life. Often they refer to unresolved issues from the past or present-day stresses that seem to have no end date. No one has ever told me that their depression is rooted in a crisis of faith, that they suffer deeply from an inability to believe in themselves. And that as a result of that core dilemma, they cannot trust themselves or anyone else—much less believe in the mystical truth that their lives are divinely intended acts of creation. The absence of faith in yourself is like losing the key to the great treasure box of your life. You can buy lots of stuff and go lots of places, but the truth is that nothing you purchase and nowhere you travel can fill the black hole that comes from not trusting yourself.