The divine is in communication with you.

The winds of change are in your life and they are rumbling through your soul.

When I teach, I always assume that there’s a reason each of you is here. I teach with a bit of spiritual arrogance in my soul (not that kind of arrogance), but rather that because I’m assuming somehow that the winds of change are in your life and that they’re rumbling through your soul. And that for this brief period of time, I am a shepherd in your soul. And it is a sacred task. So that is how I teach, and that is the assumption I have made with each of you.

It is my role to light the small flame in you that the divine is in some way in communication with you. That there is a sacred voice that is fully and totally present in your life. And that that voice, that presence, is of great consequence to your life.

Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Guts & God” presented at Findhorn in 2017. If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – you can click here to learn more »

Do you want to listen to your gut or God? Intuition, our ‘gut’, is a natural survival instinct we have, while higher guidance is an earned spiritual relationship that we develop between our soul and the Divine. In this workshop, we will explore how to find the Divine using the ancient art of Spiritual Direction. This is a technique of inner examination that guides you to explore the essential questions of your life with the intention of embracing the guidance of your spirit. It reveals how the passages we face in our lives such as birth, marriage and separations awaken profound currents of change that eventually become constant directives providing spiritual guidance in our lives. My role as a Spiritual Director in this workshop is to assist you in learning to recognize the inner voice of your spirit and to interpret the subtle language of your inner nature.


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Caroline Myss

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