Sacred Guidance from Near-Death Experiences

Hi everyone,
So many of the people who have near-death experiences come from backgrounds of agnosticism or atheism and have nothing to do with matters of the sacred whatsoever, and yet they bring back remarkable teachings, remarkable insights that the mystics – from Francis of Assisi to John of the Cross to Ignatius Loyola to Padre Pio to Rumi to Buddha – have written and taught about for centuries. And I’m talking about hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people, not just a baker’s dozen, and not just people from Christian countries, but from all over the world.
I think the wisdom they’re bringing through now, and the phenomenon of near-death experience, where someone finds themselves out of their body, not quite sure they’re dead, then they have to realize that maybe they are dead. Then there’s an encounter with a being, an angel or a guide, and then a life review. And it’s in the life review that most of these individuals, if not all, undergo such a profound transformation that they encounter in this life, review the significance of every single second of their life, every single word they ever use, every thought they ever had, every action, every single impact that they have had on the life of another person.
And why this is so important to me, aside from the awesomeness of realizing that everything we do is somehow observed and matters, is that it speaks to us about how much power is contained in everything we do, and how powerful we are.
Next week I’ll be talking with Nancy Rynes about our upcoming class “Sacred Guidance Shared through Near-Death Experiences.” I am so touched by her story, and I am so looking forward to teaching with her. I think it’s going to be a rich and beautiful spiritual experience.
Thank you, everybody,
P.S. – “Sacred Guidance Shared through Near-Death Experiences” starts August 13 – please click here to learn more »