Theresa Andersen

Theresa Andersen Archetypal Consultant & Intuitive Life Strategist
Now, that you have found your way to my profile ask yourself, are you:
- Curious about finding out what 12 archetypes make up your unique chart of origin? Do you want to have practical yet creative strategies to engage your archetypes?
- Committed to finding out where the 4 survival archetypes are at play in your life and how you may be losing power? Do you want to learn how to better manage your power through choice and powerful practices?
- Courageous enough to look at your life patterns of myths, and stories that you tell yourself and navigate through them to receive more clarity about your life through the lens of Archetypes?
- Willing to learn to let go of old patterns and allow yourself to transform?
- Intrigued to “know what you don’t want to know” about yourself?
What I offer as an Intuitive Archetypal consultant and Life Strategist:
- I will provide unique powerful, exciting creative hands on tools and exercises to help you identify how your primary 4 survival archetypes are animated in your life.
- I will intuitively ask rich questions that help you to get at the answers that are deep within you, that will help to give you more clarity about your life.
- I will teach practical and powerful creative and imaginative strategies to help launch you forward from the stuck places in your life.
- I will teach you tools to start the process of dissolving the stories and beliefs that are keeping you “stuck” in old patterns of thinking and perceiving.
- I will help guide you through the exploration of your own archetypes with the intention that you can begin perceiving the potential treasures and gifts inherent in each of the primary 12 archetypes in your chart of origin. From that vantage point you can become clearer about your power of choice and what motivates you to do what you do.
“I have been working with Theresa for six months, and it has been a wonderful experience! Her insights and skill at negotiating the “archetypal landscape” have been especially skillful at drawing out insights relating to each of the archetypes as we worked with them. Her humour and persistence make working through the “hard stuff” less like a frightening experience then an archeolocical journey of discovery. She is a wonderful advisor and partner on my journey. Isabelle Grace Ulfig October 2009.