Susanne Rosenlundh Jeppesen

Susanne Rosenlund Jeppesen
Accomodo – People Development Centre
Assens, Denmark
Hi, I was born in 1958 in Odense in Denmark. Odense was also the place where the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen was born. To me life is one never ending row of fairytales.
My focus is people in all aspects. We are all different and there is no such thing as one right way. Every single of us has to find ones own way through the jungle of possibilities – be master in our own lives.
In Accomodo – People Development Centre we work with different aspects of our lives:
Personal Development
Good health including working with stress
Mother Nature
Business Development
Personally I have a background as Master of Business Science and September 2005 I graduated from CMED as Certified Archetype Consultant. I offer personal sessions, reading groups and workshops on Archetypes and I work both on individual or group base. When you work with Archetypes on an individual base the tool is absolute brilliant to help you understand yourself, your behaviour and work on a behaviour that support you more. When you work with Archetypes in a group you work with the common Archetypes in order to benefit yourself and the group.