Peter Buxton

Peter graduated from the CMED Sacred Contracts programme in 2006 and he has since worked one to one as a mentor on the archetypes, as well as running successful workshops on the practical application of the Sacred Contracts material. In 2007 he completed the Mysticism programme with CMED and continues this work with a spiritual director.
Peter has an unusual blend of skills; from 1983 he participated in the fields of healing and group therapy and since 1997 he has run a successful counselling practice for individuals and couples. He is an Accredited Member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
An adept and sensitive workshop leader, Peter applies Caroline’s work to empower people to use their archetypes to manifest their potential and gain deeper insight and spiritual guidance. For 10 years he was a leading member of the Limen Company, a band of musicians who performed and ran workshops using spontaneous music and dance as a healing/ therapeutic medium. Maintaining a balanced family life and an active business life alongside this vocational work gives Peter a unique ability to help others to integrate their practical, spiritual and creative needs and thus bring fulfilment into their lives.
Being passionate about working with archetypes, Peter applies this positive and intuitive tool to his varied business and creative pursuits, like song-writing. In consultations he can help you:
• Accurately identify and work with your 12 archetypes.
• Cast and interpret your own natal chart.
• Work with advanced charts for intuitive guidance and spiritual direction.
• Apply your knowledge of archetypes to business, personal and creative life.
Contact Peter on 01672 526540 (+44 1672 562540 from outside UK)
He can work by phone / Skype / email if requested, so distance is no limitation.