Nina Wolther

Hello I am I am a certified archetypal consultant, NLP Master Practitioner, Chinese Astrologer and Chue Style Feng Shui expert.
My passion is to find patterns in people and places and help people change what is not working anymore. The archetypes are universal energy patterns whether we are conscious of them or not and they repeat themselves in our life, in our house, at our work and business. To understand the archetypal patterns you attract into your life is to become conscious of these energies and bring awareness to the types of energies you draw to your professional and personal life.
I do private sessions, presentations, and workshops in English and Norwegian.
I work with telephone sessions.
If you really want to change your life I have developed a 100 days coaching process where we work both with your home and your life.
I am looking forward to working with you!
Skype: ninawolther
Nakholmen 36
0156 Oslo
No. 37 Earnest Place
Sri Lanka