
Hello, I am Laura,
I have studied Caroline Myss’ Sacred Contract and Archetypal work for over a decade. It came time to give back the knowledge I’d gained by enrolling in the Archetypal Consulting CMED Institute course. This material has enriched my life in so many unthinkable ways.
My daily full time work, outside of Archetypal Consulting, is as a Nurse Practitioner. I obtained my Master’s of Nursing in 2019, and had been a Registered Nurse for 5 years prior. My work gives me great joy, and feels like a true vocation. I was called to this type of work at a young age, and ever since have been interested in various elements of healing.
I have completed Trauma-Informed Care certification, nearly completed my Fellowship within Integrative Medicine at the Metabolic Medical Institute in the United States, taken various Herbal Care courses, and I have years of counseling experience indirectly through my work as a nurse.
I have explored Shamanism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and various other spiritual practices. I am most invested in learning about each individual’s personal journey and what calls their spirit, and stirs their soul, and am open to working with anyone from all religious and cultural backgrounds.
One of my primary core archetypes is student. Despite being called to be a guide, healer, and mentor, I will always be a student of this work, and all my work.
My spiritual life is a daily practice, and by discovering and working with my own archetypes over the past several years, I have been able to gain many insights and inner tranquility, that I now wish to share with the world.
If this work calls to you, I am available to meet in person, on Skype, Zoom, or Face-Time.
You can schedule an appointment by emailing:
or visit my website:
Many blessings.