Kristine Lykkell

My name is Kristine Lykkell and I have been studying Caroline Myss’ work since 2007.
In 2012, I decided that I would become an expert in Caroline Myss’ work, and signed up for the Sacred Contracts online program, to really deepen my understanding of the work with archetypes.
As a part of my studies I decided to get to learn all the archetypes by having them illustrated. At the time, I was working with an illustrator, and I asked her if she was up for the challenge to create 90-100 different archetype illustrations in co-creation with me.
During a period of 4 years we made 95 different archetype illustrations. Each archetype illustration has been carefully discussed, and was an amazing way for me to really get to know the archetypes and their symbolic meaning.
You can see the illustrations at my website: or at Instagram @lykkell
Later on, still during my studies to become an archetypal consultant, I began to work with a composer, with whom I have started a similar project, to compose music to the archetypes, and express their energy and symbolic meaning through music.
So, the art made from the illustrations now inspire to create music. And the music has inspired the creations of having the illustrations animated and come to live.
You can see and hear the result for the Survival archetypes, using this link:
As an archetypal consultant, I therefore have a very creative and artistic approach to the work with archetypes. Art and the understanding of symboligy is a great match, as art often speak and express itself in symbols.
I use the images and the music I have had made, to make my clients perception of the archetypes even deeper by activating both a visual and auditory approach to the different energies of the archetypes.
I take clients from all over the world and do sessions in Danish and English, both email and skype-sessions.
You can contact me on: