Charlene R. Johnson

From the time that Charlene R. Johnson first learned of Carolyn Myss’ archetypal work, she knew she was going to pursue becoming a consultant. It worked so well with the astrology she already practiced, that she felt she knew the language and the dynamics even before her training.
Charlene grew up in the northwest with a natural affinity for nature, animals and Native American traditions and people. She also had a passion for writing and has been a writer all her life, from full-length books of fiction written as a child to published books on the thoroughbred industry – her first career – and many, many columns and articles on many different subjects. She is an active member of the Outdoor Writers’ Association and the Florida Outdoor Writers’ Association. She retired from the Florida Park Service so that she could pursue a career as a professional esoteric astrologer. That was when she finally had time to pursue the training she’d long coveted in archetypal consulting.
She has also long been a student of the human condition on planet Earth, working as a co-facilitator in therapeutic workshops held out in nature, reading spiritual books, including everything by Caroline Myss from the day her name became a name, and studying the Ancient Wisdom Traditions under a Master in England. She had discovered astrology in the early 70s and never looked back, using it as a personal clue into human behavior. But it was when she met the metaphysical Master, Dr. Douglas Baker that she dove into the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, most of all Esoteric Astrology. At her teacher’s strong encouragement she finally hung her professional shingle in 2000.
Then she pursued her dream of becoming an Archetypal Consultant. She believes the combination of Archetypes and Astrology is a match made in heaven.
Although she lives in Florida she also has a strong client base, and frequently travels to Colorado, New Mexico and Calgary in Canada. She considers herself globally available however, as she skypes and telephones with clients all over the planet.
For more information please visit her websites:, or
You can email her at:
Or phone at: 352-274-2100