Cathy Saunders

Are you curious about your dance with power and choice? Practically speaking, is there a small whisper, deep inside that is calling you to lift up and re-consider your experience of well-being, service, collaboration in your life leadership? If so, I would be honoured to support you on a majestic adventure of exploring your archetypal relationships!
Sacred Contracts and the discovery process of archetypes assist us in opening up to the mystery of our development and service this lifetime. Fundamentally archetypes support us to embrace an empowered way of living and leading in our life and work.
I care deeply about women leading NOW together. My practice is focused on empowering women to lead vibrant, meaningful and sustainable lives. Through coaching, education and facilitated experiences, held in the context of community, we explore three profound conversations: the soul of well being -mind, body and spirit, conscious service and collaboration where the me and we co-exist.
In the late 90’s my life took a u-Turn. I was moving through a divorce in another country and faced with understanding how all that I had once thought to be real and true was being dismantled. It was a huge choice point on many levels. My physical world was transforming and deep inside I could sense there was much more to the experience then I could calibrate or speak to. I chose to return to my home country and to begin again. In that recreation phase I went about living and leading my life with habitual patterns that I knew on some level would get me back to where I had just left, and yet I knew of no other way. Something was awakening, what I now, can see as my archetypal dance of the detective and pioneer that were propelling me into a journey, a pursuit of exploring and understanding the mystery of life. I thought for many years that if I just learned the right material, discovered the big why, or mastered a new skill, I could get it and then have “it”. Whatever “it” was, I can tell you the destination did not arrive!
What I have discovered after close to 20 years of exploration, study and experimentation, is a new way of being in relation with life. At the core of my work and studies is an ever-present call to get real, get honest and befriend my dance with choice! In 2014 I chose to leave the “safe” and well known harbour of working in an organizational setting of health care and moved into a full-time experience as a business owner. I knew there was something else calling my attention for my own development and a new way of being in service of supporting others on their own sojourn of becoming. Shortly after opening my business, I discovered Caroline Myss book called Sacred Contracts. Wow! My conscious relationship with archetypes began, today, I am happy and honoured to have successfully attained my archetypal certification.
This sojourn did not happen in isolation. As you can see in my resume, I have visited many neighborhoods of development and discovery! In particular, as I dove into the depth and breadth of Caroline Myss’s incredible work with CMED, I was also moving through a development process within the body of knowledge called WEL-Systems®. Both offered more expansive ways of both considering and living as the sacred in the secular. As I relaxed into the mystery of both studies I have come to intimately know our wholeness as spirit in tissue flows into our day to day choices in life. I often wrestled and at times still do! with the content of what I was learning. Like a good detective I was examining the evidence, both on paper and in my own lived experience for what would be the “thing” that could transform it! My pioneer was enlivened in exploring new territories of living. Truth is there is never one “thing”, and in fact, owning that one insight became a huge point of departure where I opened to welcoming the vast mystery of life. From here I have discovered a new trajectory of living, one that exudes a vibrancy, is filled with meaning and is sustainable!
Choice for me is the bridge between what can feel like the longest distance to travel, the one between our head and our heart. It is a journey that invites and allows the mystery of life; one that opens up new conversations and ways of designing our relationship with our power through choice and enlivens the process of our becoming. The platform of my life and work is grounded in the belief that we are here to grow! In owning this inherent force of life, we have much to lean into that can help us do so in ways that are supportive, rather than punitive!
I welcome the opportunity to support others who choose to step into the archetypal doorway of discovery! It holds immense potential for redefining everything! With this new vantage point, possibilities arise that support us to be in this world and not of it. I can think of no more empowering place to stand as we relate with life. The world needs us ALL today! Conscious living and conscious service, rooted in a dance with life that welcomes us to show up fully, one choice to the next!
I am deeply grateful to Stacey Couch who has supported my journey of bringing archetypal consultancy into my practice.
I work with client’s individually and in groups. This can occur in person or long distance by phone, skype and in online groups. To schedule a session with me, please email me at