Amy Moore

Amy’s archetypes have taken her through an adventurous and mystical life. Amy is a graduate of CMED and she is also a Non-Denominational Minister, Inspirational Speaker, business woman, photographer,
artist, Hospice Volunteer, and so much more. Amy has been working with a variety people, and their families, who have come into life with extreme challenges including mental illness and recovery from
alcoholism and addiction, people of all stations in life.
Amy has been studying what Caroline has written and recorded and continues to this day. It was her own journey that led her to instinctively choose an audiotape called “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can” and “Self Esteem” by Caroline Myss. She had never heard of the tape or its author. When she heard Caroline’s message, she knew she found a truth that would change her life, and those whose lives she touched.
Amy’s fascination with Archetypes came as a result of her desire to further her wisdom in how to create
a more fulfilling life experience.
About Archetypes
Your Life’s Journey
Our life is about growth and your evolution will be enhanced if you can develop different levels of awareness in the realm of Consciousness. The Archetypes may serve you as a bridge transcending from unconscious to conscious to super-conscious.
Exploration into your deeper sense of self and to identify your own inner powers of psyche and soul. Do you ever wonder why you are here and what your soul’s purpose is? Are you searching for a truer, more purposeful meaning in life? Or maybe you are trying to gain insight and understanding about relationships and experiences in your life. Are you unable to take the next big step? Do you always seem to stop short of your goals? Do you set yourself up as the victim, waiting to be taken advantage of and giving your power to others, instead of living the life of your dreams?
The journey of self-esteem and expansion of your consciousness has much greater impact on you and those around you when you bring unconscious pattern of your habits, behavior, beliefs or attitudes into a conscious awareness and integrate them into the super-conscious. We are all intuitive.
With an awareness of the energetic patterns (archetypes) that are around us, we begin to tap into the collective unconscious and our own innate wisdom and intuition. Archetypes are symbolic energies that are active
in your life as protectors, warning you when you are prone to damaging behavior.
As a Certified Archetypal Consultant and Life Coach, Amy combines her knowledge of archetypes and the gift of intuitive insight to help you gain clarity about your life purpose, or Sacred Contracts. With Intuitive Archetype Card Readings, she will work with you to help you understand your own unique set of archetypal patterns for a fuller and more purposeful life.
Working together will provide you the tools, inspiration and guidance you need to better understand your own Divine Nature and how to uncover your Life Purpose.
• Committed to finding out where the 4 survival archetypes are at play in your life and how you may be losing power? Do you want to learn how to better manage your power through choice and powerful practices?
• Courageous enough to look at your life patterns of myths, and stories that you tell yourself and navigate through them to receive more clarity about your life through the lens of Archetypes?
The recognition of your Archetypal patterns is the key aspect to creativity and evolution of your Spirit. If you want to learn more about archetypes, have a deep desire for self-knowledge and want to explore your life at a deeper level. We are multidimensional beings. The source of our tension can come from either physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels of our existence.
On an individual level, Archetypes represent non-physical pattern, around which physical life manifests itself on subconscious, conscious, and super-conscious levels
• Amy will intuitively ask rich questions that help you to get at the answers that are deep within you, that will help to give you more clarity about your life.
• Amy will teach you tools to start the process of dissolving the stories and beliefs that are keeping you “stuck” in old patterns of thinking and perceiving.
• Amy will help guide you through the exploration of your own archetypes with the intention that you can begin perceiving the potential treasures and gifts inherent in each of the primary 12 archetypes in your chart of origin
The Readings
For archetypal consultations Amy is using the Archetypal Wheel developed by Caroline Myss, a medical intuitive, author and a contemporary mystic. Reading the Archetypal Wheel is one of the most effective, powerful and potent tools of personal and global transformation of Body-Mind, Spirit and Soul.
If you desire to learn more about archetypes, Amy can help you in several ways:
General introduction and basic knowledge of the language of archetypes and how they affect your life
Guidance with your 12 natal archetypes
Casting a natal chart to bring your Sacred Contracts to light
More detailed Fate/Destiny work
Receive insight and guidance on a specific life issue
As an Archetype Consultant Amy provides one-on-one opportunity for clients to focus on individual
needs, attain clarity to make choices that are in their highest and best interest.
Services offered:
Personal Life Coaching
Archetype Consulting
Empower Your Soul
Spiritual Direction
Sliding Scale Fee
Amy’s teachings about Archetypes has taught me a lot about myself. I have allowed people to misuse me with no consideration to my own well-being spiritual and physically.
Through her teachings and help I have learned a a lot and have put it to use, it is a continuing journey, which I look forward to learning more about myself. I believe through Amy’s knowledge of archetypes it will continue to help me heal and improve my life. Amy is a great teacher and help. I look forward to talking with, and learning from her in the future.
– Mary Lou Janulewicz