Almaz Tadesse

Since early childhood, I noticed that there were certain motifs that, whatever the lan-guage, culture or place, seemed to come up over and over again. The Rebel, the Child, the Vampire, the Slave etc, were everywhere.
Although I could not put a finger on them, I intuitively knew that these elements linked all humankind. They brought out our similarities. This gave sense to my journey as a bi-cultural girl who was always drawn to multicultural settings.
In my adulthood, I chose ethnolinguistics as my field of study and wrote a work on sym-bols in literature (animal allegories.)
Whilst working with detainees and, especially, migrants, I came upon the victim and healer archetypes. I realized that these social groups would get so identified with their role of victim that they would get stuck in the self-defeating pattern behavior of needing help from their caregivers, rescuers etc. and not knowing how to become more autono-mous. On the other hand, not all of the aid-professionals would let go of their identity of “saviors” and kept their clients in the role of victim. This seemed like a never-ending vi-cious circle which depleted both parties.
I realized that I could go both ways and that I wanted to find a tool to break free from these patterns.
Thus, I embarked on an exciting two-year archetypal journey, with Caroline Myss’ CMED Institute, where I learnt about the nature of archetypes, how to use them as trans-formational tools to help release self-defeating patterns, give meaning to our lives and thus become active actors in the divine drama called life.
My knowledge and experience in the fields of migration, languages and anthropology merge beautifully with the exploration of archetypes.
I work with clients both long-distance by Skype as well as in person. You can schedule an appointment by emailing For more information check my website