
Caroline Myss is returning to beautiful Sedona winter of 2025!
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January 23 – 26, 2025 • Enchantment Resort, Sedona, AZ
What are the choices we make in life that have the power to actually change our lives? What choices can we make that support our healing? Or help us to realize our deeper, more authentic potential? What are the choices in life that really matter – and why does it matter so much that we realize the power of our choices? What if you were given one choice that would change your life forever? You could choose one million dollars, or you could make the choice to never betray yourself again. Which would you choose? Most people would likely giggle at such a choice, think about it for a second, but ultimately go for the million dollars. And certainly, that amount of money would change their lives – for a while. But after a couple of wild spending sprees and a few outrageous vacations, and perhaps some left for savings, then what? All the “changes that money can buy” soon evaporate and you are still the same person.
But if you made the choice to never again betray yourself, the quality and trajectory of your life would change immediately, even though you would be unaware of it in the moment. Such a powerful choice actually recalibrates you with the laws of creation and, though you might not realize the consequences of this profound cosmic choice immediately, eventually you realize that such a choice requires that you become more conscious of what you say to other people, how truthfully you function in your relationships, and how you examine your own actions. Everything in your world reshapes itself around the power of that one choice and consequently, you are reshaped and more to the point, you gradually awaken to a quality of self-empowerment and self-respect that you could have purchased for one million dollars.
It is very easy to believe that choices that matter in life require money or status or connections or that they need to be obviously significant, such as the choice to marry or have a child or get divorced or sell your home. Of course, these choices are significant, but they do not necessarily have a transforming impact upon you. For example, the decision to marry someone certainly changes your life. But it’s the micro-choices you make after the wedding that make or break the marriage, such as making the decision to be a better listener or to be more open and honest or to honor your wedding vows.
Why is it so important for us to take the time to truly examine the choices we make and which among them are the most powerful? And what makes a choice powerful versus experiential, for example. I can give you all sorts of therapy-oriented answers to those questions, but instead I will share with you what I deeply believe. Mind you, I. cannot prove one word of what you are about to read, but I believe this more than words can communicate.
We, the generations of the nuclear age, have been tasked with a cosmic-sized assignment: Discover your contract with creation. Realize that every choice you make animates the laws of creation. Expand your consciousness so that you are able to discern the choices that matter, the choices that are truly powerful, from those that are illusions. Let’s imagine for a moment that this cosmic assignment is the handiwork of organic divinity; that is, the result of the survival mechanism inherent in human evolution combined with the subtle force of sacred direction. We have entered an era – an age – in which we must discover anew our understanding of our own power, and in particular, the power that is contained in every choice we make. Choice is the power we have that directs energy into matter, that gives form and function to ideas. This is the era in which all of our lives are calibrated to one sacred cosmic impulse: Become conscious of the power of choice and all that you create.
Every person is already aligned to this cosmic contract. Everyone, for example, is driven by the desire for personal empowerment. For many people, this desire begins as a need to explore what it means to truly heal. We approach our health today with the understanding that healing requires an integrated approach, that we must examine not just our physical habits and choices but the quality of our emotional, psychological and spiritual choices. All of our choices, in other words, are viewed as integral to the whole of our health.
For others, self-empowerment expresses itself as the conscious effort to develop self-esteem. Endless workshops and seminars specialize in helping people to develop their inner sense of self so that they can access a quality of power that we are now realizing is essential to our well-being and to living a successful life. Other people get in touch with their inner power through pushing their bodies to the limits of its strength. Still other people are forced to awaken to their inner self, their inner power, through trauma – a type of cosmic now-or-never situation that forces a person to make empowering choices, often for the first time.
No matter what path a person is on, however, the sacred purpose is the same: Become conscious of the cosmic truth that you are an agent of co-creation. Every choice you make in some way influences the whole of creation, just as the health of every cell in your body influences the health of your entire body. It does not matter that we cannot see this cosmic dynamic at work. I can’t see the earth rotating on its axis, either, but I know it’s happening. I can’t see, smell or hear the law of gravity, but I know if I jump from my porch, I will fall.
Why is our empowerment of such cosmic importance? First, it is our individual and collective choices that shape and influence the events unfolding in our world. We can no longer afford the illusion that someone or some god “out there” is going to make sure everything will turn out okay in this world or that we are helpless because we lack resources, power, fame, and are merely one person or that events unfolding in our world are random happenings. And we can no longer allow ourselves the luxury of believing that the sufferings and tragedies happening in other places have nothing to do with us or that they will never happen where we are. Every choice we make is an active ingredient in this whole system of creation and every event that happens within the whole of life has an influence upon your individual life.
Secondly, we have been tasked with becoming a more conscious species and specifically, more conscious of the quality of choices we make precisely because we are a part of a bio-spiritual-ecological life system. For me, this cosmic reality is reflective of an emerging understanding of the nature of the Divine, one that is transcendent of all religions. The Divine is love, light and law and we are co-creative agents that draw upon love, light and law with every choice me make.
And thirdly, we need to truly realize the power inherent in the human soul. The time has come for us to access our mystical or cosmic consciousness. Evolution and the organic nature of the Divine have brought humanity into a new paradigm of what it means to be a conscious, empowered human being.
In this workshop, we will examine the power of choice as the instrument of creation that it truly is. We will discuss any number of choices and their consequences in our life, including the impact upon our physical health and the extended health of our living environment. I’ll discuss why certain choices we make may activate a health crisis or cleansing and why other choices may trigger depression or anxiety attacks. as choices that truly empower us often require a rigorous recalibration of our energy system.
I will close by sharing with you that I have learned that the most powerful choices we can make in life often appear as powerless in the moment. We so often gravitate to choices that seem to offer us a sense of control, as if control is power. The truth is that everything that truly has power is invisible.
I hope you will join me for this transformational workshop.

Registration fees include all meals and single-occupancy hotel accommodations.
Travel expenses are not included.
CMED, LLC will make arrangements with the hotel on the attendee’s behalf.
Room upgrades are not available.
Rooms will be assigned from the block of rooms reserved for the event.
Attendees are advised not to contact the hotel to make reservations.
CMED, LLC is not responsible for any hotel reservations made by the attendee, or any additional expenses resulting from such reservations. CMED, LLC will not negotiate on the attendee’s behalf to discount, transfer, or waive any fees arising from any reservations made by the attendee.
Deposit Payment – Please note that deposit payments are non-refundable. Balance payments are due no later than December 14, 2024. If the balance payment is not received by this deadline, the attendee’s reservation will be canceled and the deposit held as the cancellation fee.
Your deposit payment or $500 of your fee is non-refundable. In fairness to everyone who joins, we uphold this policy rigorously to maintain our guest list with minimal changes. Before joining, please ensure that you do not have schedule conflicts and can make travel arrangements to the workshop location. Please do not sign up if you are in any way unsure that you’ll be able to make the balance payment, or if you or a loved one has a medical condition that has the potential to prevent you from traveling.
Cancellation Policy – Written cancellation immediately after registration: $500.00 US cancellation fee per person. Cancellation after December 26, 2024: 50% of total workshop cost per person. No refunds after January 20, 2025. No refund for unused portions of the tour, including but not limited to, missed meals, hotel nights and sightseeing.
Video Release – This workshop will be streamed live and recordings made available for sale. Workshop attendees authorize CMED, LLC to record, distribute and disseminate materials produced in any manner and waive all rights to receive payment of any kind for my participation in the recording or for its sale or distribution. Caroline Myss, or its assigns, will hold all rights to the produced media of all types, as well as licensing, for future use in books, instructional materials, products, promotion, marketing, and in all other public distribution, and to charge for same. Attendees who do not wish to be recorded are responsible for notifying CMED staff at the workshop and agree to be seated in a camera-free zone during the workshop.