
A live streaming workshop with Caroline Myss
December 2-5, 2024 • La Fonda on the Plaza, Santa Fe, NM
This workshop will examine the archetypal stages of our empowerment, highlighting the archetypal challenges of self-empowerment every person will confront – or has confronted. Empowerment is never-ending.
Everyone has fears about becoming a whole, conscious individual. You might think that we would embrace every opportunity to know ourselves more clearly and to become the healthiest person we could be, but that’s not really the truth. Years ago, I realized through my work as a medical intuitive that many people are more likely to sabotage their healing journey in some way(s) than to enthusiastically participate in a personal transformation. I wondered for quite some time why we, who are so drawn to becoming “conscious” and empowered as individuals, would consistently make choices that sabotage our greater and more beneficial goal. This paradox in our nature has fascinated me for years and it was the inspiration behind my writing, Why People Don’t Heal, a book in which I explored a stage of our empowerment that I identified as woundology; that is, discovering your power through the shadow force of your wounds. Everyone goes through this stage to some degree. But some people remain in the woundology stage because they fear the transformation that would happen in their lives should they become healthier and more empowered. What control mechanisms would they use, for example, if they no longer had their wounds to rely upon?
I realized during my research for that book that life is only about our relationship to power; specifically, the power to set into motion acts of creation through the power of our choices. We are alive to participate in creation – simple as that. Whether we understand this cosmic commitment as sacred is up to each one of us, but regardless of how we understand “co-creation”, we are active agents of that magnificent life force. Becoming a “conscious” human being unfolds in stages in our lives, as we experience the consequences of our choices, our beliefs, our attitudes and our actions. As I delved deeper into human nature and our interior design through the years, I began to see that we are all living some version of the same evolutionary path. Once I grasped that cosmic truth, I began to sense archetypal patterns as governing influences in our lives, connecting us in this vast cosmic network that Carl Jung described as the collective unconscious. But I first had to reach a point in my own understanding that this Universe is itself governed by laws, light and love and that it is both incredibly impersonal in its design while at the same time, profoundly intimate. The Universe is sacred, conscious, forever unfolding in acts of creation. And the nature of the Divine, as best as I can know and understand the Divine, is that it is a sacred force ever-present in our lives. Every thought we have, every word we say, every choice we make is a profound act of co-creation. The source of our creative authority is our soul, which is pure Divine substance. We are each born knowing this truth at some level. We treasure our power to make our own choices in life precisely because we (consciously or more likely, unconsciously), understand that every choice we make involves the power of our soul. Every choice. And our soul’s journey is somehow woven into the consequences of our choices.
Now then, why am I telling you all of this? Because I deeply believe every one of us – every one of you – is on a path of conscious, sacred awakening. That is all that life is about. It doesn’t matter how ” conscious” a person is of this holy path – or even IF a person is conscious of it. Each of our lives will always and only be organized through the laws of creation: choice and consequence; cause and effect; action and reaction; magnetic attraction and so forth. But what happens to you – to each of us – when we DO become even slightly conscious that we have more inner creative authority than we ever before considered? How would that influence our capacity to sense an illness developing or assist us with our own inner healing? What is the source of this inner, conscious authority that exceeds the knowledge capacity of our minds? How would your life transform IF you made the cosmic shift from realizing that beyond the limited powers of your intellect resided the cosmic, sacred senses of your soul?
I delight in teaching you about the power of your interior self, your soul. My life is dedicated to this path now. What is more extraordinary that helping each of you realize that you have the authority to improve your health, break through depression, change the direction of your life, and make empowered choices that open you to a more loving and wondrous life?
As I said earlier, it is paradoxical that we would sabotage becoming whole and empowered, but we do. And so, this workshop will examine the archetypal stages of our empowerment, highlighting the archetypal challenges of self-empowerment every person (in his or her own way), will confront – or has confronted. Empowerment is never-ending. We will discuss the common archetypal patterns that we share that each of us encounters within the texture of our personal lives; specifically, the Prostitute, the Saboteur, the Child and the Victim. Because empowerment is ITSELF an archetypal journey, an emphasis will be placed on the power of our archetypal patterns and how to recognize these inner forces/voices.
Finally, we will explore our inner power to transform our health, our beliefs, and the quality of our relationships. We will explore the power of prayer, grace and guidance as the final lecture, as ultimately I believe grace is the greatest inner power we have access to. Nothing in your life will ever change unless YOU recognize the authority you have to make empowered choices.
I hope you will join me for this workshop. I love this topic. It thrills me to share the sacred with you.