
February 24 – 27, 2025 • Manor House Hotel, Castle Combe, UK
Caroline Myss is returning to the United Kingdom winter of 2025!
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One of the most difficult challenges for me is to find the language to convey how extraordinary these times are in which we live. I can use the word, transformation, but that one word in no way communicates everything in life that is actually undergoing the process of transformation, or what that means for the present moment and for the future.
My own experience of transformation tells me that we have just begun to forge new pathways into understanding the nature of the Divine and the conscious power that holds together the network of life not only on this Earth, but well into all the galaxies that exist in this Universe. We have not even begun to realize the vast network of life, but we are beginning to comprehend that we have a very limited understanding of our own potential, most especially the potential that resides within the power of our soul.
Part of the transformation that we are living in this age is that we are shedding the trappings of religions in order to access mystical or cosmic truths. Eventually – I am convinced – humanity will understand the nature of the Divine as Love, Light and Law, transcending the anthropomorphic paradigm of needing to relate to a Divine being as a male human figure. We are heading into an era of cosmic thinking, allowing us to comprehend a galactic expression of Divinity – God as the Light that embodies all creation. And all creation is governed by the Laws that order life. And Love is the essence of this Light. Therefore, the choices we make that are motivated by love set Divine consequences into motion, not only in our own life, but throughout the Universe.
I have come to believe that the Divine is completely impersonal, allowing the laws of the universe to represent a type of consistent authority. We make a choice and we generate a consequence. We attract what we radiate. It’s obviously not that clear or simple, as we cannot calculate the influence of past or future lives or the energetic power of each of our emotions and beliefs, but the mystical laws are as consistent in their own way as the laws of nature that govern the cycles of life, the rhythm of the tides, and the cycles of the planets. God is law.
Yet, this is also a deeply intimate universe. Every prayer is answered. Every choice we make matters, not in ways we can calculate, but in what you should think of as mystical mathematics. Everything we do, think, say and every choice we make is known.
I believe that one of the most profound mystical truth emerging into our consciousness now is that we are all interconnected, that all life breathes together. The great spiritual masters taught, “All is One” and Jesus often said, “What you do to one person, you do to everyone.” Often when people had mystical experiences, such as Teresa of Avila of Francis of Assisi, they reportedly experienced that oneness, though they could not find the words to communicate that reality.
I think the time has come for us to consciously utilize the power of our Innernet, the threads of Light that connect us to each other. We need to live the Laws, to learn how to rely on the power of mystical Laws. I believe that we can send Love and Light to each other, that we can help heal each other, that we can assist each other by sending each other prayers and grace. The more we understand the mystical laws, the more we become conscious of their power active in every choice we make.
Because this is a more intimate setting for a workshop, I am going to utilize the closeness of our group to teach about the Sacred InnerNet, specifically to consciously animate the threads of Light that link us together so that we may experience the natural authority our soul has to be an agent of grace and healing in the world. It’s time.

Registration fees include all meals and single-occupancy hotel accommodations.
Travel expenses are not included.
CMED, LLC will make arrangements with the hotel on the attendee’s behalf.
Room upgrades are not available.
Rooms will be assigned from the block of rooms reserved for the event.
Attendees are advised not to contact the hotel to make reservations.
CMED, LLC is not responsible for any hotel reservations made by the attendee, or any additional expenses resulting from such reservations. CMED, LLC will not negotiate on the attendee’s behalf to discount, transfer, or waive any fees arising from any reservations made by the attendee.
Deposit Payment – Please note that deposit payments are non-refundable. Balance payments are due no later than January 13, 2025. If the balance payment is not received by this deadline, the attendee’s reservation will be canceled and the deposit held as the cancellation fee.
Your deposit payment or $500 of your fee is non-refundable. In fairness to everyone who joins, we uphold this policy rigorously to maintain our guest list with minimal changes. Before joining, please ensure that you do not have schedule conflicts and can make travel arrangements to the workshop location. Please do not sign up if you are in any way unsure that you’ll be able to make the balance payment, or if you or a loved one has a medical condition that has the potential to prevent you from traveling.
Cancellation Policy – Written cancellation immediately after registration: $500.00 US cancellation fee per person. Cancellation after January 27, 2025: 50% of total workshop cost per person. No refunds after February 21, 2025. No refund for unused portions of the tour, including but not limited to, missed meals, hotel nights and sightseeing.
Video Release – This workshop will be streamed live and recordings made available for sale. Workshop attendees authorize CMED, LLC to record, distribute and disseminate materials produced in any manner and waive all rights to receive payment of any kind for my participation in the recording or for its sale or distribution. Caroline Myss, or its assigns, will hold all rights to the produced media of all types, as well as licensing, for future use in books, instructional materials, products, promotion, marketing, and in all other public distribution, and to charge for same. Attendees who do not wish to be recorded are responsible for notifying CMED staff at the workshop and agree to be seated in a camera-free zone during the workshop.