
Spiritual Direction II – Jewels at the Well

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $125.00.

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A Special Offer for Winter of Wellness 2016

Save $50 on this Spiritual Direction series. 6 sessions, a total 9 hours of video, plus worksheets and downloadable audio for each session.

Spiritual Direction Part II – Jewels at the Well

You should never enter your soul unescorted, not because you will lose your way. You need an escort because this journey changes how you perceive your world, how you understand yourself, how you view your own boundaries when it comes to love, fear, forgiveness, compassion, and even the size and shape of your reality. You will require at some point a person with whom you can share what it feels like to have familiar illusions evaporate, replaced by sharper instincts. Some days everything presents as a crisis and other days are pure ecstasy. A Spiritual Director is an escort on this profound journey into the fearless, mystical domain of your soul.

Whereas Pebbles at the Well is a beginning course in Spiritual Direction, Jewels at the Well initiates you into the deeper waters of the pursuit of self-knowledge and sacred truth. Your spiritual journey progresses from the initiative stages of examining who you are through your experiences and personal history to exploring the spiritual possibilities of all that you can become in your life now.

You – the content of all you are and all you can be – is the direction we go next on your spiritual path.

The sessions flow in an order that reflects the opening of the rose, petal by petal. We crawl in Pebbles at the Well; we walk in Jewels at the Well; and we fly in Drinking From the Well (if you, in fact, decide to go the distance). I embrace all of you from the whole of my heart and with every drop of Truth and love in me, let me close by telling you how much I love sharing this beautiful spiritual journey with you. What a priceless experience we are having.

Please note everyone: This series has been designed to flow like a spiritual river. While we welcome people to get on the boat at anytime along that river, the fullness of this journey is best experienced when one begins at the beginning because it is a journey. We therefore recommend that you take Part I, Pebbles at the Well prior to taking Part II, Jewels at the Well.

With all my love,


Buy Now – $175.00 $125.00

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