Learn more about “Riding the Phoenix Part II”
My intention in the first Phoenix series was to present an essential view from above, a cosmic perspective of how we got to this profound, extraordinary moment of global transformation as well as highlight the fact that we have entered the era of wholism and co-creation. Everything that is unfolding in our worlds, both personal and global, is connected to the evolutionary current of understanding the consciousness of wholism and the truth that all life breathes together. All the Phoenix series that follow, beginning with this one, will have a more personal/retreat approach. My goal now is to offer personal instruction and guidance on understanding the power of your personal energy system and further on, your soul. For that reason, these sessions will now include “homework”; that is, suggested personal work aimed at helping you relate more directly to the extraordinary power of your own consciousness.
Phoenix II focuses on your personal path of emotional, psychological and spiritual empowerment. In short, the whole of your life. Just as the theme or archetypal impulses of co-creation and wholism have been guiding and governing the evolution of our global and national events since entering the nuclear age, those same subtle currents of influence have been filtering into all of our lives. These impulses have gradually shifted our center of gravity from the way people were prior to this age of consciousness. We are now driven by our inner passions – the need for self-empowerment, the need to understand our purpose in life, a desire to pursue healing ourselves as an on-going part of our lives. We can sense the activity and messages from our intuitive intelligence becoming ever more dominant in our daily life.
And through the decades it has become apparent that our patterns of inner pain and suffering have also evolved. Depression, anxiety, crises in relationships, and the sensation of being “lost at sea” as well as the rise in chronic disorders such as chronic fatigue, are typical of our health profile today. A paradox that we need to explore is why we are collectively manifesting so many struggles that weaken us while simultaneously living a path in which the subtle challenge is always self-empowerment.
We learn about the power of our inner self in stages. We evolve into our empowerment, one Truth at a time. As Teresa of Avila noted five-hundred-years ago, we gradually progress into ourselves because the jewels we discover are so powerful and because each jewel of Truth transforms us so profoundly. I learned that through my own professional and spiritual life. We have to take this journey in small steps because each awakening is so illuminating. Sacred truth shifts our center of gravity from out external world to our interior, igniting an inner Light that never goes out. More incredibly, that Light continues to effortlessly channel through you to others in the world. Truth is deliciously contagious. It is magnetic, inspiring, and the cosmic agent of personal and collective transformation. (It’s no wonder that the “dark” fears the power of Truth so much). So, I am teaching these Phoenix classes in the model of the “progress of the soul” that Teresa of Avila wrote about, slowly and gradually exploring the power that is you.
Your path of empowerment does not end here. We struggle with these issues daily, as we all know. What makes it possible for us to move through the difficulties and challenges of our lives is the power of soul, our mystical consciousness: grace, prayer, inner guidance. I learned years ago that for all the wonders of human intelligence, healing requires not what we know, but what we believe. Healing requires grace and the power of our souls. In Phoenix III, we progress into the power of our mystical nature.
Lesson 1:
Our Magnificent Energetic/Mystical Journey
It is essential to begin with a wide-reaching perspective on your own wondrous journey that you are already living and what it means to have an “energy life” that is simultaneously a gradual awakening to mystical or cosmic consciousness.
- What exactly is your energy consciousness?
- Your Spiritual DNA
- What are you born knowing?
- You and power
- The shift from “horizontal” to “vertical” consciousness
- Life in a hologram
- Laws of creation
- Energy to grace
- Your relationship to time and space/relativity
- Micro-macro/personal-impersonal consciousness
- What you see is not what is in your energy life
- How your energy consciousness is changing your life
- You are now transparent
- Relationship dynamics/personal space/sense of time/inner sensitivities
- Can you not be on this journey?
- Homework
Lesson 2:
Your Inner Self
In the second session, we examine your Inner Self as your “energetic vessel”, that part of us that has emerged since entering the nuclear age as a type of hybrid ego capable of exploring the depths of our unconscious as well as developing our energetic sensory system.
- What is this part of you?
- Archetypal masks: Best friend, ally, detective, your court fool, inner snoop,
- Power guide – it’s main focus is self-empowerment – it is the “co-creation ego”
- The need for self-empowerment: Where’s my power? Who took my power? Need to process my power
- From 7 – 10 chakras
- Guide to your energetic senses – Survival intuition – Advanced guidance – Mystical senses
- Homework
Lessons 3:
The Journey
It helps to have a model to wrap around a cosmic-sized truth. Life is a mystical journey of co-creation disguised as a physical experience in time and space. We are here to awaken to that Truth and then to make our choices in life based upon those higher, sacred laws of creation. It’s really as simple as that. But the journey is hard-wired into our spiritual DNA. First Stage: Tribal power, basic life, basic instincts, tribal consciousness, tribal illnesses
- Archetypal power struggles and conflicts
- How you experience power
- How you experience co-creation
- Wholism
- Superstitious nature of God over faith
- How you see the world
- The speed of your consciousness
- The speed of healing
- True versus Truth
- How power and reality are constructed from the first floor
- Why bars are often put on windows on the first floor
- Physical vocabulary
- Collective safety nets
- The intuitive signals that begin the break from the tribe
- Appetites develop
- Law of Balance
- Law of Gravity
- Base chakra
Second Stage: One within Group
- Power is external/material
- Superstitions rule
- Fears and whole control
- Sense of “others”
- Addictive patterns begin to take shape
- Survival instincts
- Territorial instincts
- Control issues develop
- That instinct to formulate what is “real”, what is true
- Competition for truth, for right or wrong develops – thus aggressiveness (really fighting for “reality”-consciousness domination)
- Anticipating conflicts
- Potential illnesses and stresses
- Aggression and violence
Spiritual issues and Personal work
- Identifying the intuitive instructions – or inner conflicts – that indicate it is time to expand your inner life – or move to a higher floor of consciousness
Lesson 4:
Continuing Your Journey
Once your Inner Self emerges, your spiritual journey becomes inner directed, as the focus becomes all about you understanding the nature of your own spiritual power and it’s authority to influence the co-creation of matter.
Third Stage: You and the Other(s)
- External power begins to fail (some type of situation will occur that will disempower you)
- Magnetic attraction
- Fears/insecurities of the Self
- Personal archetypal battles begin
- Inadequacies of this level of consciousness will begin to reveal themselves
- Talents, skills and inner visions reveal themselves
- Can see more than you have before on the Third level but not enough to be internally empowered. Yet, enough to be “disempowered” and unsatisfied on the lower levels.
- Inner discontent begins
- Desire to search beyond the “horizon” takes hold
- Change erupts
- Potential stresses
- Potential addictions
- Aggression/madness
Fourth Stage: The Inner Self
- Inner Self becomes prominent
- Need for personal identity and inner power emerges
- Why you so often feel alone and isolated on the journey of empowerment
- Healing and empowerment become a priority
- Self-awareness
- Wounds emerge
- Wound narcissism/woundology
- Fear of empowerment and transformation
- The Hero’s Journey
- Desire to know, to seek, to search beyond the “horizon” becomes stronger
- Life boundaries change
- The view from this floor inspires new possibilities about the “expanse” of one’s life
- Potential addictions and struggles
- Healing
- Fantasy and personal narrative
Spiritual issues and Personal work
- The fourth and fifth floors are the inner levels of consciousness where a person discovers a view that just might become too comfortable.
Lesson 5:
Continuing Your Personal Journey
Fifth Stage: The Inner Self Strengthens
- Intuitive sensitivities that naturally expand
- The risk of the hamster’s wheel
- Releasing wound narcissism/woundology
- Fear of empowerment and transformation
- Confronting fears of life itself
- Healing consciousness expands
Sixth Stage: Spiritual Transition Begins
- Spiritual versus clinical depression
- Consciousness versus conscience
- Too aware not to be aware
- The inner hermitage
- Becoming a listener and not a talker
- Mystical experiences awaken
Seventh Stage: Dark Nights before the Dawn
- What is the dark night of the soul?
- Your battle with reason
- The Universe is impersonal but Divinely intimate
- Your fear of physically evaporating
- Sensation of being whole emerges
Spiritual issues and Personal work
- Your inner self fears its own empowerment, as you will come to understand, because authentic inner empowerment transforms not only you but how you comprehend the meaning and purpose of all life – not only yours.
Lesson 6:
- Mystical laws
- Bio-spiritual ecology
- Nature of the Divine
- Matters of health, illness and healing
- Spiritual practices
- Living in an energy world/community
Spiritual issues and Personal work Summary

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.
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