Learn more about “Purpose & The Enneagram”
Overview of Purpose & The Enneagram
Join Robert Holden, with special guest Caroline Myss, for a 10-part deep dive on using the Enneagram to help you honor your sacred contract, fulfill your divine potential, and live a purpose-centered life.
Do you know what your purpose is? Is your life meaningful? Do you know what you are here for?
Purpose & Enneagram is the third in a series of Enneagram programs with Robert and Caroline, the other two being Spiritual Growth & Enneagram and Love & Enneagram.
The Enneagram is a powerful self-awareness tool that dates back 2,500 years. Its origins are the wisdom schools of ancient Egypt and Greece. It offers a model of nine personality types – Ennea Types – which are similar in some ways to the archetypes that Carl Jung excavated from our collective unconscious. The Ennea Types include, the helper, achiever, perfectionist, peacemaker, etc.
The Enneagram takes you on a spiritual path and offers you a rich mix of practices, inquiries, and meditations for inner work. As we journey around the circle of the Enneagram we stop at each point – the Ennea Points – and we enjoy nine soulful meditations on how to cultivate a greater sense of inspiration, meaning and purpose in life.
In each class, Robert will introduce you to one Ennea-Type at a time, and Caroline Myss will lead us on a spiritual practice (a deep soul meditation) for the corresponding Ennea-Point.
Over the ten weeks you will learn about:
Purpose of Enneagram – how to use the Enneagram to support you in living a purpose-centered life.
Know your Type – cultivate greater self-awareness by examining the basic anatomy of the nine personality types.
Stages of Growth – working with the Enneagram to help you be more open to spiritual direction and inspiration.
Recognize your Soul Gifts – appreciate the signature strengths and soul gifts of each type.
Nine Soul Meditations – work with a spiritual practice at each Ennea-Point, led by Caroline Myss.
“I’m so grateful I know about the Enneagram. It has helped me in every area of my life – my spiritual practice, my writing, my work, my relationships, being a parent, everything!”
Robert Holden
Lesson 1:
Higher Purpose of the Enneagram
What is the Enneagram, and how can it help you live a purpose-centered life? In our first class we will explore the original purpose of the enneagram that dates to Plato, Pythagoras, The Desert Fathers and Mothers of Egypt, and ancient wisdom schools of the East. Robert presents three primary ways you can work with the Enneagram to experience greater inspiration, meaning and purpose.
- Origins of The Enneagram – following the paperless trail of the ancient enneagram and exploring its original purpose.
- The Enneagram Types – an introduction to the nine personality types of the modern Enneagram.
- The Enneagram Points – an overview of the nine meditation seats – Ennea Points – of the Enneagram.
- Higher Purpose Meditation – using the Enneagram as a mandala to help you be in alignment with your higher purpose.
Lesson 2:
Type One: Living a Good Life
What does it really mean to live a good life? Plato described “the Good” as something sacred that aligns a person to their higher purpose and divine mission on Earth. Socrates encouraged us to dedicate ourselves to “the cause of the Good” in ourselves and others. In our first class, we draw inspiration from Ennea-Type One’s like Plato, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Anita Roddick (The Body Shop) as we explore how to live a truly good life. Takeaways:
- The Greater Good – experiencing our basic goodness and our desire to live a good life.
- Your Sacred Contract – contemplating the “good deed” you are here to do for the highest good and whole of Creation.
- The Prodigal Son – acknowledging our mistakes, forgiving ourselves for our imperfections, and rising when we fall.
- The Reformer Archetype – we each have a mission to make the world a better place. What does this mean? How do we do this?
* Caroline Myss offers us spiritual direction on living a good life.
Lessons 3:
Type Two: Being of Service
What is your soul gift – the charism – that you are here to share with the world? The Enneagram Type 2 is commonly called The Helper or The Giver. Every one of us is “called” to be a friend to the world and to make some sort of meaningful contribution and service. How are you called to serve? What is the talent that is yours to give? In this class we will draw on inspiration from Ennea-Type 2’s like Desmond Tutu, Mother Theresa, Albert Schweitzer, and Robert Greenleaf, creator of Servant Leadership.
- How can I help? – connecting with your heart’s desire to be a true friend to the world.
- The Good Samaritan – sharing your talents and being of service to the world.
- The Martyr Archetype – noticing how “over-giving” can cause unhealthy sacrifice, burnout, and poverty in your life.
- Connecting to Purpose – paying attention to your life and noticing when you feel most connected to your higher purpose.
Lesson 4:
Type Three: Doing Your Real Work
“Each of us was made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been placed in our hearts,” said Rumi, the Sufi poet and mystic. The Ennea-Type Three is commonly called the Achiever and the Worker. We each of us have an “inner knowing” that we are here “to do” something with our life. We sense there is a “great work” to participate in that is far greater than having a job, pursuing a career, making money, or achieving social status for ourselves. What is the real work of your life?
- A Greater Glory – you came trailing clouds of glory, and you are here for the greater glory of the world.
- The Historic Mission for Our Times – making sure that your work is aligned with The Great Work of our times.
- The Worker Archetype – becoming an instrument for the work of creation to happen through you.
- Sacred Activism – making your work “love made visible”, and all your efforts an expression of love-in-action.
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction on the real work of your life.
Lesson 5:
Type Four: The Four Paths
How would you like to make a difference in the world? On our journey we explore archetypal patterns that help us to heal, to grow, and to create something beautiful with our life. One of these archetypal patterns is Carl Jung’s Four Stages of Growth. Another is Matthew Fox’s four paths of Creation Spirituality which highlights the paths of via negative, via positive, via creative, and via transformative. At Ennea-Point Four, we will also highlight the healer archetype and the artist archetype that live in each of us.
- Via Negativa – using trauma, wounds, and heartbreaks as gateways to living your higher purpose.
- Via Positiva – finding purpose through doing what you love and following your joy.
- Via Creativa – expressing your purpose through art, music, and creativity.
- Via Transformativa – finding purpose through spiritual growth, inner breakthroughs, metanoia, and rebirth.
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction on living your deeper purpose.
Lesson 6:
Type Five: Living an Inspired Life
Patanjali, the scribe of the Yoga Sutras famously wrote, “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” At Ennea-Point 5 we will meditate on our inner light and how to shine this light across the world.
- Seeing the Bigger Picture– learning to detect the higher purpose that is both enfolded and unfolds out of every moment.
- What inspires You? – paying attention to what most interests you, what lights you up, and what truly inspires you.
- Spark of the Soul – how to be a light in our world and to shine this light everywhere you go.
- Becoming all flame – giving yourself fully – body, heart, mind, and soul – to a greater purpose that inspires you.
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction on the laws of light.
Lesson 7:
Type Six: Following the Golden Thread
“There is a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change… [And] you don’t ever let go of the thread,” writes William Stafford, in his poem, The Way It Is. The symbol of the Golden Thread has been used by many teachers and mystics like Carl Jung, William Blake, Evelyn Underhill and Howard Thurman. At Ennea-Point Six we will pay attention to the unmistakeable tug of the Golden Thread that offers you guidance and direction on your journey.
- “Addressed by a Voice” – Carl Jung believes that a person who follows their true vocation has been “addressed by a voice.”
- A worthwhile cause – making a commitment to a greater cause that you believe in and support.
- Living a Guided Life – noticing how you experience spiritual guidance in your life.
- Supernatural AID – a Joseph Campbell term that teaches us we don’t ever have to do our life by ourselves. Help is always at hand.
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction living a guided life.
Lesson 8:
Type Seven: Part of a Bigger Plan
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us,” said Joseph Campbell, creator of The Hero Journey. The Enneagram teaches that we each have a Holy Plan for our life. This holy plan is greater than any personal plan we make by ourselves. It also connects us to a much greater purpose that is far more fulfilling and meaningful than any single purpose we conjure up. Your purpose is not something you find; it goes with you wherever you go.
- Purpose Anxiety – facing the fear of not finding your true purpose, and of living a life that lacks real meaning and deep fulfilment
- The Seeker Archetype – your destiny is not to find your purpose; it is to become your purpose!
- Following your Joy – placed in you is “a call to joy” that will help you to find your purpose and live it.
- Singleness of Aim – making sure you keep you aim and that you do not lose your focus and get scattered into everydayness.
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction on following the big plan.
Lesson 9:
Type Eight: Surrender to a Higher Power
“Let’s make a dent in the universe,” said Steve Jobs, of Apple. The Ennea-Type Eight wants to play big in the world. But what does “playing big” really mean? You might be King of the Hill in your neighbourhood, but is that all you were made for? Martin Luther King Jr said, “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” In other words, you must be willing to surrender your ego if you want to take your place in the larger story and bigger picture.
- Rising to the Challenge – what is the challenge that brings you alive and motivates you to “play big” in your life.
- The Call to Leadership – what sort of a leader are you and how are you being asked to take the lead in you life at present.
- The gift of Forgiveness –forgiveness releases you from the victim archetype and opens you up to a new level of inspiration and grace.
- Yes to a Higher Power – honouring your spiritual lineage, and acknowledging what gives you strength and helps you to be resilient.
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction on accessing your higher power.
Lesson 10:
Type Nine: A Rainbow in Someone’s Cloud
“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good” wrote Maya Angelou in Try To Be A Rainbow In Someone’s Cloud. The Ennea-Type 9 is known for being a peacemaker, a mediator, a dreamer (in the active sense), an activist, and one who helps to conduct and orchestrate a higher purpose on Earth. The Enneagram teaches we are here to be a blessing to the world and that our presence is a gift to each other.
- Calling All Angels – your presence on Earth matters, and you are here to bring heaven to earth.
- The Dreamer Archetype – what is the life of you dream of, and how are you actively living that dream day-to-day?
- Your Mythic Life – recognizing the story that most inspires you, and that you most want to tell the world about.
- Practising Presence – noticing where your presence is most needed in your life right now
* Caroline Myss offers spiritual direction on bringing heaven to earth.

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.

About Robert Holden
Robert Holden’s work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC-TV documentaries. He runs a public program of Enneagram workshops each year and also Leadership & Enneagram programs with clients Dove & the Real Beautiful Campaign, Unilever, Hay House and Google.
Robert is this year’s keynote speaker for the International Enneagram Association annual conference. He has taught Enneagram retreats on Spiritual Growth in Jerusalem, Assisi, Findhorn, Greece and Montserrat (home of the Black Madonna).
He is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books including: Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Loveability and Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay). Robert’s new book Higher Purpose: How to Find More Inspiration, Meaning and Purpose is out now.