Learn more about “Being Swallowed by the Dragon”
Overview of Being Swallowed by the Dragon
We are now free-floating in cosmic space. We are living at the end of one epoch of human evolution, as all of you realize, and we are in the process of discovering the “ingredients” that will define, shape, and determine how the future for the global community of life unfolds. The uniqueness of this time in history has no comparison.
When times of great chaos and change erupt in life, whether your personal life or our collective experience of life, we look for reasons. The need to understand the greater meaning of events is archetypal – and inherent in that archetypal quest for insight is that we cast our attention to the heavens. What forces are at work above us in the celestial domain that are so disrupting our lives on Earth?
Astrological influences have long provided extraordinary guidance and knowledge about the nature of celestial cycles that influence the unfolding of events in our physical lives. How these cycles are interpreted in terms of understanding why extreme events are happening now – such as pandemics, social chaos, war, financial unrest – can bring a level of clarity into our rapidly changing society. We are living through a time of great extremes that are reaching any number of breaking points – from climate change to social unrest to collective health crises. Yet, as has always been the case, cycles of great chaos – we could call it Divine chaos – bring into focus patterns in life that need to change, to advance to a new level of understanding for a global community to emerge.
What we experience at the personal level, however, is unimaginable tension, as we feel the pull of opposition within us: What is true and what is a lie? Who is trustworthy and who isn’t? Is there enough for everyone or not? Do I trust my intuition or what I hear on the news?
I am thrilled to introduce, Being Swallowed by the Dragon. First of all, I will be co-teaching with a dear friend of 30-plus years, Lynn Bell, who is a master astrologer, writer, and global teacher. I am truly in awe of Lynn’s knowledge of astrology. If I had a “back-up” profession, I would want to be an astrologer. Like celestial alchemists who have learned to speak the code of the cosmos, astrologers relate to the events that happen in our world and in our lives through a lens of “order and cycles”, the natural flow of life.
When Lynn first mentioned the phrase, “being swallowed by the dragon”, I asked her to elaborate on what that meant. She said it referred to the gravitational power of opposition and conflict in our lives. As Lynn will elaborate in this class, the nature of life is governed by energetic cycles, like the way the tides flow in and out in a steady rhythm. Though we are largely unaware of these cycles, we respond to their subtle influence constantly.
For example, the influence of the Dragon refers to the on-going cycle of light and darkness in the cosmos that is intensified during eclipses. An eclipse has always been a celestial event that has fascinated people not just because it is visually extraordinary, but because of its psychic influence. We experience the influence of these celestial forces when we are confronted with choices that make us feel as if we are standing at a crossroads between two positions of power within ourselves: fear or courage, right or wrong, truth or lies.
Collectively, we are experiencing the energetic fire of dragons everywhere, as we are living at a time of opposing forces confronting each other everywhere. Every one of us, I have no doubt, can relate in some way to “dragon” energy in their lives.
I am beyond excited to teach this course with Lynn. I find the way that Lynn, and Robert Ohotto, (who also teaches CMED courses), relate to the celestial realm to be yet another expression of essential knowledge. I feel very blessed that CMED is able to present courses to you taught by two such rare teachers and celestial scholars. This is Lynn’s first online program with CMED and we believe we have created a class that is absolutely wondrous.
Love, Caroline
Lesson 1:
Traveling Through Chaos to Hope
There is no such thing as returning to yesterday
Everyone is now living in the energy of the cycle of chaos to hope. We feel it in the airwaves; we sense it in our energy field. And we are experiencing chaos, as we live through a society rapidly changing in ways that are unrecognizable.
In this first session, we will discuss:
- The astrological cycles and archetypal patterns that are highly active
- The power and influence of eclipses and nodes (aka the Dragon)
- The rising fear of other people, other places, other forces
- The fear of change and the temptation to think that the past was better
- The truth that there is no such thing as returning to yesterday
Lesson 2:
Identifying What Really Matters to You
The greatest security you can have is a belief in yourself
The greatest security you can have is a belief in yourself, especially during times that require significant choices and decisions. Self-knowledge and trust of oneself are two of your most powerful inner graces. The sign of Taurus, which strongly influences our sense of stability and comfort, will be an active agent of change in the collective until 2025. This is a time when both the forces of nature and human nature, will continually sense an atmosphere of unpredictability. Attention will be drawn to questioning our values – and the importance of having solid values in a time of chaos.
- Know your values
- The nature of personal power and the cycles of change
- External discord versus internal harmony
- The power of individual choice
Lessons 3:
The Essential Ingredients of the Inner Self
This is the age of personal power and spiritual consciousness
The balance between the power of the individual and our relationship to the collective is now actively shifting because we are being directed – consciously and unconsciously – to forge new ways of connecting to each other and to the power of nature itself. The mystical law that teaches, “All life breathes together” is very much a part of the wisdom being born in this time of transformation. Times of chaos have always advanced how people understand human nature – mostly significantly, how our concept of power has gradually shifted from an external force to an interior one. This is the age of personal power and spiritual consciousness.
- We are emerging into the era of wholism, co-creation, and truly comprehending the power of personal choice
- The astrological cycles influencing your awakening
- The search for self-knowledge versus information
- The need to comprehend symbolism
Lesson 4:
How to Break Through the Cycles of Limitations and Possession
The shift to holism cannot be stopped
When the archetypal network of power begins to shift, we automatically experience resistance and the voice of our fears. Impulses arise for control, repression and domination of others frequently seem to be the solution to halt the wheels of evolution from progressing. However, these classic fear impulses always fail because evolution and the shift to holism cannot be stopped. What we are experiencing now is the last gasp of this cycle of archaic thinking.
- What does it mean to be “possessed” by fears?
- Recognizing the fear of becoming a conscious and empowered human being
- Can we stop the cycles in the heavens?
- Identifying your most empowering choices
Lesson 5:
Fear or Freedom?
Our fears are so potent that they can make us imagine that freedom is the most intimidating choice we can make
The celestial archetypes that govern fear and freedom have been pulled into combat for decades now, reaching a zenith point in 2020. This intense tug-of-war will activate yet again at the end of 2022. Everyone will feel the gravitational field, as we confront our own fears and how much we value freedom. How often do authority figures suggest taking away our freedoms as a way of insuring them? That is the great illusion that is now confronting us.
Everyone longs to be free – free-thinking, free to create, free to make personal choices. Who does not want to be free? And yet…our fears are so potent that they can make us imagine that freedom is the most intimidating choice we can make. Personal freedom is an inherent impulse – not just a personal choice. Freedom is not permission to leave responsibilities or do whatever you want. True freedom is having the internal authority to rely upon your guidance and grace, no matter what challenges you face in the outside world. True freedom is the capacity to transcend ordinary thought and liberate your consciousness and soul, shaking off the burden of everyday fears and limitations. That’s when you truly unlock your highest potential.
- In times of chaos, what do I do?
- Do I fear becoming a whole person?
- Freedom in in your nature
- The clever Saboteur archetype
- The great transition: Spiritual and creative freedom
Lesson 6:
How We Envision a New Future
Hope for a better tomorrow begins with every choice we make today
The chaotic dynamic of transformation always presents opportunities for malignant leadership, as controlling, self-serving leaders offer the public false promises that they can return us to peaceful times. It is up to each person to realize that we must cooperate with transformation, not fight it. There is no such thing as returning to the past. The old forms are being swept away and new visions are emerging in people everywhere. Planetary cycles embodying hope, growth and vision always balance chaos. It is up to each person to make personal choices that continually lead to becoming a whole person. That is your north star.
Times of chaos, as the Chinese proverb so wisely teaches, means opportunities for creativity abound. Hope for a better tomorrow begins with every choice we make today
- What does it mean to be “possessed” by fears?
- Recognizing the fear of becoming a conscious and empowered human being
- Can we stop the cycles in the heavens?
- Identifying your most empowering choices

About Lynn Bell
Lynn Bell is a Paris-based astrologer whose work spans multiple cultures as a speaker, teacher, author and consultant in astrology. As a master consulting astrologer with a multi-layered approach, Lynn’s work combines psychological and spiritual perspectives. Lynn is interested in many aspects of astrology, from mundane cycles to archetypes and mythology, the relation between soma and psyche, to reflection on the psychological implications of traditional astrology. Outside the world of astrology, she has often collaborated with Caroline Myss, and her CMED Institute.

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.