Learn more about “Conversations with Our Archetypes”
What exactly is an archetype? And why do I need to know about my archetypal patterns?
The simple answer is that an archetype is a pattern of recognized behaviors that everyone inherently understands. Your archetypal patterns are the first thing people notice about you, whether you know it or not. And likewise, you identify archetypal patterns in others all the time. Most people enjoy “people watching” these days, often sipping a cappuccino while identifying many of the individuals walking by with one-word labels, such as; Geek, Fashionista, Addict, Entrepreneur and so on. It takes but a second to get a psychic impression that the observer then matches to a familiar mental label, such as, Artist or Mother. Perhaps more impressive than the lightening speed of a psychic reading, however, is the accuracy.
When I direct people in workshops to do spontaneous archetypal readings on fellow participants they had not yet met, most people are astonished that their “psychic readings” are remarkably accurate. Aside from being a fun introductory exercise, having a stranger look at you and in one minute identify three or four of your archetypal patterns illustrates two important “psychic truths”. The first is that we are now multi-sensory, having evolved beyond the limitations of our five-senses that should only be considered our “ground-level” sensory system. And secondly, because we are multi-sensory and actively intuitive, we are increasingly psychically transparent to each other. You are doing intuitive readings all the time these days.
Though such an exercise is a lot of fun, it is also a very effective way for people to experience the truth that we are becoming increasingly psychically transparent to each other. It’s time that we recognize being intuitive and multi-sensory is our “new normal”. Our psychic, emotional, psychological and intellectual health requires knowledge that was not essential to previous generations, but it is to us. We need to know about our personal archetypal patterns, and we need to understand how our patterns influence our thinking, our choices, our dreams, our ambitions, our compulsions, our fears, and our shadow side. We are incomplete without this profound inner knowledge. And in this age of transparency when each of us can “perceive” the other with growing intuitive clarity, we need to know our own patterns not only because they are so obvious to others, but because our archetypal patterns influence every thought we have and every choice we make.
These cosmic, psychic patterns of power are the means through which you create your reality. Archetypal patterns continually communicate subtle currents of influence into our unconscious and conscious mind. We are attracted to certain types of people and particular types of stories, like adventure stories or romantic stories, because of our archetypal patterns. Our archetypes have a direct influence upon how we imagine our place in the world, great or small, humble or on the stage for all to see. Our archetypal patterns animate – or activate – the creative laws of the universe in our lives. They give our choices energy, magnetism, and life force.
I believe that knowing your personal archetypal patterns is essential to becoming a whole and healthy person. Numerous mystical teachings direct us to “know thyself”, a profound instruction meant to lead us to what Buddhists call “Self-realization”. That goal may seem a bit old world today, so let’s describe it in more contemporary language. Self—realization is a more accurately described as self-empowerment/authentic self-esteem. All of us today realize that developing our self-esteem – our sense of personal agency – is core to knowing who we are, what we want, what drives us. How could any of us gain a clear understanding of those rich, core inner truths unless we strive to know our cosmic patterns?
So, let’s explore how archetypal patterns influence us. And through that influence, how we can better know we are, why we have the fears and fantasies that we do, why we are drawn to certain types of people and avoid others, and why we have the ambitions and dreams that we do. Our archetypal patterns are the keepers of our highest potential and our darkest fears.
I hope you will join me for this workshop that will be as enlightening as it will be fun.
Lesson 1:
An introduction to Archetypes
An archetype is a pattern of subtle, psychic power that is destined to express itself in your life. How many archetypes are there? This first lecture is a presentation of the archetypal realm.
- What is an archetypal pattern?
- The physical, energetic and symbolic realms of our Universe
- Archetypes are psychic power magnets
- The archetype of the gods
- What is symbolic consciousness?
- A very impersonal Universe
- The systems of life are governed by laws and archetypes
- All archetypes are transformational patterns of power
Lesson 2:
Universal Archetypal Experiences and Our Compelling inner Instincts
Archetypes are not only identifiable patterns, such as Hero or Rescuer. The human experience itself is governed by collective archetypal experiences that continually remind us that all life breathes together, that we are each a fragment of one collective soul. In this session, we will examine the impersonal experiences of life that visit us all.
- Death and Rebirth
- Cycles of Life
- Laws of Nature
- The Mystical Laws – knowledge in our spiritual DNA
- The need to create and destroy
- The need for awe
- The need to individuate
- The need to transform
- Issues with Justice
- Abandonment and Rescue
- Betrayal
- The search for Love out of Nowhere
- Lost and Found
- The Phoenix (humiliation and rising from the ashes)
- Unexplainable influences
– Reincarnation
– Multiple universes
Lesson 3:
Sacred Contracts: Identifying Your Personal Archetypes
Each of us has a family of personal archetypes and it is through those archetypal patterns that we experience and express our power in the world. Which are your archetypal patterns, and which are not? Without a doubt, you know some of your archetypal patterns already. But no one knows all their patterns deeply, or even all their patterns at all. So many people I’ve worked with select archetypes based upon their habits, but not their more revealing inner motivations or private agendas or unnamed fears. Archetypal patterns are sometimes hidden from view, even from ourselves, until we have the courage to name that pattern directly. For example, the Addict or the Gambler or the Thief/Con-artist. Not many people are eager to come forward with inner patterns that cause them to lead a secret life, and yet these patterns inevitably make their way into external field of a person’s life.
- What is a Sacred Contract?
- Universal archetypes: Child/Victim/Saboteur/Prostitute
– The life journey of developing self-esteem and the capacity to command our own creative power
– Why this journey is essential - How do you identify a personal pattern?
- What if you don’t want to identify one of your patterns?
- Others see patterns you do not
- What do you do after you identify a pattern? Then what?
Lesson 4:
Archetypal Patterns associated with Healing
Here is a list of some of the archetypes that people in the healing or service professions often identify with:
- (Wounded) Healer
- Rescuer
- Devotee/Disciple
- Good Samaritan
- Volunteer
- Hermit
- Advocate
Lesson 5:
Archetypal Patterns associated with Adventure
Here is a list of some of the archetypes that people identify with who find high risk adventures or living outside the boundaries of ordinary life. Some people find living according to “the rules” too much to handle.
- Warrior
- Hero
- Adventurer
- Pioneer
- Entrepreneur
- Spy/Detective
- Pirate
- Thief
- Shapeshifter
Lesson 6:
Archetypal Patterns associated with Love and Romance
And then there are the archetypal patterns that heart-centered people identify with quite easily, all of which we will discuss in this session:
- Lover
- Romantic
- Damsel/Knight
- Puer Eternis/Rescuer Romantic
- Narcissist
- Coward
- Destroyer
- (Indentured) Servant

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.
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