Learn more about “Archetypes Everywhere”
Archetypes are everywhere. Our life and this world we live in are governed by countless archetypal patterns of power that influence each of us. In turn, we act on those influences in our daily life through every single choice we make, right down to the clothing we wear to the person we fall in – or out – of love with, to the addictions we have, to our success – or failure – in our choice of business deals. Every choice we make is connected to an archetypal pattern. Every relationship we have is magnetized through our archetypes.
We are attracted to people because we share harmonious archetypal patterns. A Princess seeks out a Knight. A Warrior often looks for a Damsel. Addicts look for Addicts and always find them. Rescuers need a Dependent Child or Victim seeking assistance. Both mistake their mutual dependency for “love” – a classic archetypal relationship.
People who can recognize archetypal patterns, even to a slight degree, are at an advantage in relationships in that they are positioned to understand “what’s really going on here.” We often know that something unspoken is the real cause underlying ruptures in any relationships, from personal to friendships as well as relationships in the workplace. A person who is emotional and insecure will never be able to see what is actually unfolding around him or her because that individual is frozen in fear. Everything looks “personal” and frightening to someone who is terrified, angry and hurt. Examined through archetypal patterns, however, any and every situation instantly becomes “impersonal”.
For example, you could tell me that you were bullied at work by your employer, and of course for you, it was a very personal experience. Yet, if we looked at the man who is your boss through the Bully archetype, and you have stepped into the Wounded or Invisible Child or Victim or even Creative Genius archetype (an archetype that a Bully absolutely loathes), you would see that the Bully in him automatically attacks anyone that he senses is weak or better than him. It’s not personal. He would attack anyone. It just happened to be you this time. It could be me next time and a stranger the time after that. Bullies attack first because a Bully is always a Coward and their greatest fear is to be exposed as a Coward. They fear being challenged and so to insure that they are not challenged, they have to humiliate or destroy someone first. This behavior is archetypal. It is not personal, even though for someone who has been bullied and humiliated, nothing could feel more personal. Both are true simultaneously. And yet, the ability to understand the impersonal nature of the Bully archetype helps someone to heal and to protect him or herself from another encounter with a Bully – because there is always another encounter. What is the archetypal challenge when we are confronted by a Bully? Stand up to him and he goes away – the classic story of David and Goliath.
This Reflections Series is all about the power and influence of archetypal patterns – only with a bit of a twist. This time we will explore archetypes from a more expanded perspective that includes the psychic atmosphere created by collective intention. That is, when you are “thinking business”, so is the person with whom you are doing business. What archetypal patterns are likely to dominate that atmosphere? What archetypes dominate a psychic atmosphere in a room filled with romantic intentions? Or family issues? Or family decisions?
This delicious Reflections series will expand your perspective and stretch your psychic field with the realization that you are not the dominant energy system in any room. You are not the center of any universe. You are one person mingling in a room full of people, all of whom think they are the center of the universe. That “center of the universe” notion is rooted in the archetype of the Social Narcissist, an archetype shared by many these days.
I think everyone would enjoy this class and more to the point, personally benefit from it more than I can say. How could you not gain inner ground from such rich self-knowledge?
As you can see from the class descriptions, archetypes are everywhere. We live and breathe in an archetypal universe. Every relationship we have is an archetypal connection, even with our children, beginning with the primal Mother-Child bond. Every event in society is a creation of our collective archetypal energies. Nothing, not war or peace, not disasters or global events, just “happen.” We are participants in everything. We are co-creators of the events unfolding in this world, but the means through which we “co-create” is not our “will power.” Co-creation occurs through our archetypal patterns and the deep-rooted stories and beliefs we cling to that are rooted in our archetypes.
I hope you will join me for this next Reflections series.
Lesson 1:
Your Archetypes: Mission Control
This initial lecture explains how this series will introduce you to archetypes so you can identify your own; it will also describe how archetypes dominate every aspect of your life, both in what you believe about your own life myths and what they have taught you experientially.
The topics covered will include:
- A description of the power of archetypes
- Identifying your personal archetypal patterns
- The survival archetypes
- The power of your own life’s myths, patterns and symbols
- The creation of a narrative and its power in your mind and emotions
- Examples of archetypal relationships in your life
- Personal archetypes that you have but don’t want
- Archetypal experiences that we all have again and again: Rejection, Betrayal, Synchronicity, and The Phoenix
Lesson 2:
Archetypes in Close Quarters
What archetypes come into play in your romantic and sexual relationships and why? What archetypes do you attract? Which archetypes attract you? What archetypes are on the rise and which transitioning out in our culture?
Some of the archetypal dynamics this class will explore include:
- The Romantic Spell
- Marriage transitioning to Partnership
- Lover
- Companion
- Significant other
- Femme Fatale
- Virgin
- Shape Shifter
- Playmate
- Puer/Puella Eternis
- Psychic Stalker
- Damsel
- The end of the Princess/Knight era
- Knight/Warrior/Hero
- Feminist and Fake Feminist
Lessons 3:
It’s Just Business
Working with others is one of the main playgrounds for archetypal interactions. Understanding who you’re up against archetype-wise can make your compatibility with a co-worker—or lack of it—easier to understand.
This class explores some of the archetypes that dominate the workplace today:
- Geek
- Geek
- Bully
- Whistle Blower
- Miser
- Mediator
- Pioneer
- Alchemist
- Gossip
- Networker
- Engineer
- Gambler
- Spell Caster
- Con Artist
- Entrepreneur
- Visionary
- Master/Slave/Serf
- Dream-maker
Lesson 4:
Archetypes and Your Health
Who are you drawn to when you are ill? Who do you instinctively know to avoid? Every health challenge comes with an archetypal cast of characters who will walk with you every step of the way.
They include (but are not limited to):
- Addict
- Healer
- Vampire
- Detective
- Martyr
- Athlete
- Hedonist
- Psychic Trickster
- Dark Night of the Soul
- Toxic Inner Self
Lesson 5:
Archetypes with Family, Friends and Foes
Think of those you cherish the most. How many archetypes can you identify among your family of origin and your family of friends? What archetypal energies are in play with those you have the most difficulty getting along with? How about those you have always just seemed to mesh with? What archetypes can you identify among the people who have been the biggest challenges over your life? The biggest blessings?
Some of the archetypes we will explore include:
- Mother
- Father
- Noble Adversary
- Competitor
- Martyr
- Rebel
- Rescuer
- Vampire
- Hero
- Storyteller
- Judge
Lesson 6:
Archetypes in our Collective Society Field
Besides our personal relationships, there are also the relationships we have with people we will never meet. The archetypes that dominate our collective are there for a reason. What brings these archetypes out now and why?
This final class will look closely at the following list (but you will also be invited to submit your own archetypal list):
- Vampire
- Pirate
- Trickster
- Destroyer
- Zombie
- Visionary
- Geek/Hacker
- Terrorist
- Dark Magician
- Barbarian
- Bully
- Angel
- God/Goddess

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.