Reflections: Spiritual Direction – Fire Chats


I created Fire Chats because I believe we all need on-going guidance and support when it comes to living an empowered life, both spiritually and in every other way.


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I created Fire Chats because I believe we all need on-going guidance and support when it comes to living an empowered life, both spiritually and in every other way. Fire Chats is a continuation of the rich teachings introduced in the Reflections Spiritual Direction classes last year. The focus is more expansive, as it should be. That is, the art of Spiritual Direction is aimed at stimulating the right questions at the right time, of introducing wisdom reminders, of re-introducing truths that need to be discussed once again but within a new life context. We never reach the end of needing inner direction. Every day we wake up in a new world and in a slightly new body, one that may be ill or one that may have healed. We are never in the same world twice. We are always facing the challenge of bringing ourselves back into balance or reminding ourselves that we have what it takes to make clear decisions with our life.

For these reasons and so many more, we need the constant reinforcement of sacred teachings, spiritual truth, and moments of holy listening. And we need the support of our spiritual community. Like returning home for good food and a long rest, truth and guidance sustain us as we go about the business of life. It is all too easy these days to lose your inner balance or to feel disconnected from your soul. As I always remind everyone – myself included – Spiritual Direction, that is, learning how to direct the power of your inner nature and spirit, is an on-going devotion. While this rich process of self-examination begins in the sanctuary of sublime privacy, eventually who you are in the privacy of your spiritual sanctuary needs to be congruent with who you are in your world.

As I developed the outline for each Fire Chat session, I envisioned all of us gathering together each Wednesday evening to participate in a sharing of spiritual wisdom. Many of us have been together a long time now so this community is a warm, loving and familiar spiritual home to so many of you. All of you share prayers for each other, news of family and friends, favorite poems and inspirational messages. You have become a genuine global spiritual community. At the same time, I feel that I am speaking to each of you one-to-one from the privacy of my office-sanctuary to yours. I light my candle and place around my desk all my notes and my few treasured sacred objects and I imagine each of you in your quiet place for our time together. This is our time to go down deep and examine the reasons God has given us life, purpose, the capacity to love, to create, to generate life. How do we direct the spirit within us that is the engine of all that we create?

I love the element of fire, as it represents inspiration, illumination, and grace to me. I love the sound of wood burning and the fragrance it releases. I love the warmth of a wood fire. And the visual of all of us gathering around our inner fire suggests a sharing of a web of grace.

In scripting these classes, I asked myself, “What did I need to hear when I was feeling most alone?” and “What did I need to know when I needed to trust myself?” and “What did I most appreciate being told that I would never have figured out?” I asked myself many more such questions, but that is an example of how much each class reflects the path I have walked and others I know so well. I will add that I maintain these practices that I plan to introduce because, like eating good food, you just know they bring you back to balance.

New students welcome!
No doubt many of you will want to know whether the three previous series on Spiritual Direction are a prerequisite. No. Not at all. I, of course, recommend them (Pebbles in the WellJewels at the Well, and Drinking from the Well), because these classes are just so good. Among the many gifts they offer is the introduction of the vocabulary of the soul. Said differently, if you really want to appreciate another culture, learn its language. Otherwise you are an outsider sampling the goods. You will speak as if you are an expert because you visited for a week and show a few snapshots of where you’ve been. But the truth is, you would never be considered an “insider” by anyone who truly knows the culture. Ditto for the soul.

I hope you will join me for this exciting next series.

All my love,


P.S. As with our three previous series on Spiritual Direction, this will be a profoundly powerful set of classes. Each class will begin and end with a prayer I have either chosen or written specially for that night. A special Facebook page (Spiritual Direction – Caroline Myss) has been created to help support this growing Reflections online community, and is available to all students taking these classes.

Lesson 1:

The Power of Balance

Nature governs through the Law of Balance. All systems of life are constantly returning to balance. Balance must become a way of understanding life itself.

This class will include a look at the following:

  • What is my center point/gravity field?
  • Reasons I am in and out of balance: personal/external/global
  • My relationship to power and being balanced
  • What is the nature of my nature?
  • The relationship between my nature and the laws of nature and my sense of health and well being.

Lesson 2:

Be Useful/Stay Useful

Constant motion is a law of creation. We are always involved in acts of creation. That impulse expresses itself within us as a need to be useful in some way, somehow, each day we are alive.

Highlights of this class will include:

  • Expressions of usefulness
  • The weight of appreciation
  • Person, place or thing
  • Who or what determines usefulness?
  • Words versus deeds
  • Usefulness to and of others

Lessons 3:

Essential Practices

Harmony, Clarity, Endurance, Kindness, Patience, Silence, Non-action

Kindness, patience and all these other qualities should not be understood as individual acts that we “do”, such as an “act of kindness” or “patience in the moment.” Eventually we awaken to the realization that these are graces that reside within us, subtly reshaping an act of kindness into a person of kindness. But awakening requires reflection time as a way of recognizing how often our life circumstances seem to set us up to rely upon these graces in order to sustain ourselves through difficult passages.

This class will include:

  • What I know for sure
  • What I do not know for sure
  • Examining when am I most/least in my power
  • Sensing what is needed near me and away from me
  • Sending healing, sending grace
  • Quietude and clarity
  • Paradox: Fear of clear sight
  • Paradox: Creating disharmony for safety

Lesson 4:

Stay Flexible of Mind/Heart/Body

Be like the flow of water, always in movement. This is the nature of life. We must strive to have a flexible mind, a flowing heart, and a graceful body. Without constant review of how well we are living these goals, we will stagnant, age, and turn to stone.

This class will examine:

  • Rigid mind creates a rigid body
  • Let go, let in
  • New emotions speaking to me
  • Body changes, body messages
  • Mind waves
  • Consciously fragmented
  • Heart activity
  • Checking health

Lesson 5:


We live in relationship to everything and every human being that exists. Our well-being depends upon the quality of our relationships and how others relate to us. But relating applies to more than our interactive skills with other human beings.

This class will cover:

  • Examining what it means to “be in relationship” to anything
  • The reality of psychic relationships
  • Your Inner Self: A significant other
  • Holding on to the dead
  • Expanding your emotional field
  • Relating and nature
  • Relationship to fears – others/my own
  • Relationship to my own stories

Lesson 6:

In the World/Of the World

We are the engines of creation. What is in one is in the whole. What happens to the least of us happens to all of us. As Above, So Below. We must live these truths. We do that by looking for our footprints in the greater events unfolding around us – the positive and the negative, the frightening and the hopeful ones.

Issues covered in this class include:

  • Macro-Micro law
  • What events am I consciously attached to?
  • My archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
  • Psychic free radicals
  • Sensing anxiety/fear/change
  • Review of choices/attitudes/illusions
  • Grace/prayer/practice
Caroline Myss

About Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.