Learn more about this On Demand Workshop
This workshop is an exploration into our relationship with the dynamic forces of creation and what it means to understand your life as a participant in a collective – and personal – sacred contract with the creative laws of the universe.
I was introduced to the idea that “we create our own reality” in the 1980’s when I began my career as a medical intuitive. I listened to one person after another share their belief that somehow, in some way, they had “chosen” their illness and therefore, they could choose to heal. The very notion that perhaps we possessed the inner power and authority to influence the quality of our health transformed our approach to health and healing. The entire holistic health field is rooted in the belief that some part of our consciousness is empowered to influence not only the quality of our health, but the quality of our life.
It seemed to me that a perception had emerged within our consciousness that held the potential of transforming how we understood our very relationship to the power of life itself. Maybe – just maybe – we were not victims of random acts of change that bring chaos into our lives. During the decades that I worked as a medical intuitive, I realized that we were genuinely undergoing a cosmic-sized transformation. It was as if the intelligence of evolution or perhaps Divine intervention had downloaded human consciousness with directives to shift out of the passive, victim relationship with Life and step up to the truth that human beings are participants in the dynamic of creation.
People began to experience the awakening of their intuitive sensory system as far back as the 1960’s, indicating that our psychic/intuitive intelligence was on a rapid expansion track. To accommodate the expansion of our consciousness, we gradually activated a hybrid super ego equipped for our inner journey that we now refer to as the Inner Self. My workshops filled with people striving to understand the nature of their inner power – a concept so new, so outrageously seductive to so many – that it seemed to also spark a profound quality of hope in people. There is something about the power of our consciousness, of our soul, that gives us the authority to influence the quality of our lives. We are not imagining this inner power. We, in fact, are tasked to discover the mystical truth that we are indeed co-creators of the events of our life. We have a sacred contract with creation itself.
I believe that every person’s life is only a journey of empowerment. And this journey is not an easy one. We have to learn and re-learn our life lessons constantly. But few truths are as profound and life-changing as realizing how powerful every one of your choices are, even – if not especially – the silent choices we make to ourselves. You have the power to shift the quality of your life with one choice.
This workshop is an exploration into our relationship with the dynamic forces of creation and what it means to understand your life as a participant in a collective – and personal – sacred contract with the creative laws of the universe. Included in this workshop are the following topics and questions:
- Power as the fundamental ingredient of life
- The power of Light and Shadow
- Light, Law and Love as the creative forces of life
- The nature of mystical laws
- The human energy system
- The power of choice
- The creative consequence of words
- Do my choices disempower me?
- What are we capable of creating?
- Am I creating the life I want?
- How much influence do we really have over the events that unfold in our lives?
- What choices matter the most?
- What do we need to know about the nature of our consciousness?
- Why do we make the choices we do?
- Why do we fear choices that empower others?
- And why do we so often sabotage our own choices?
- How do I create an empowered life?
- How do I help to heal a struggling planet?
I hope you will join me for this workshop.

About Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.
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