House Opposition – Summer 2024


Explore your Chart of Origin Archetypes with additional insights into the House Oppositions in this 6-week group experience.

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Chart of Origin House Opposition - Sacred Contracts Groups

Explore your Chart of Origin Archetypes with additional insights into the House Oppositions. These aspects form relationships in the chart and create areas of tension and opportunity. According to Pythagoras, the number two is a dyad and evokes audacity and anguish from its desire to return to One. Understanding oppositions will deepen your relationship with the archetypal patterns that govern your life and increase your self-knowledge so you can make empowered choices. This six-week experiential class will discuss each axis and its unique lessons using myth, astrology, sacred geometry, scripture, and other wisdom teachings.

Class 11st/7th House I/Thou
Class 22nd/8th HousePower of Love/Love of Power
Class 33rd/9th HouseKnowledge/Wisdom
Class 44th/10th HouseInner Sanctuary/Outer Recognition
Class 55th/11th HouseSelf Love/Loving the World
Class 66th/12th HouseThe Mundane/The Mystery

This class is for: 
Anyone who has completed a Chart of Origin and is interested in working with oppositions to enhance your understanding of this relationship between houses. This includes Self-Development Students, Professional Certification Students, and SCO Graduates.

You must have completed a Sacred Contracts Chart of Origin and be familiar with your archetypes and how they express themselves in the houses.

Meets Weekly on Monday from 3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT by Zoom, starting July 1, 2024 and ending August 5 , 2024. CMED reserves the right to make occasional schedule changes due to unforeseen circumstances.

July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
August 5

Have you ever wondered why you are here or what the meaning of your life is? Do you long to know and answer a higher calling? Sacred Contracts is a journey to discover your soul’s map, a spiritual-psychic contract between you and the divine. Learning this contract enhances the understanding of your life which changes the quality of your choices. Caroline Myss teaches that all life breathes together; what happens to one of us happens to us all. When you heal yourself, you heal the world. And that our lives are not random events. We are beings of purpose with spiritual obligations that unfold in the form of sacred contracts hidden within the events and relationships of our lives, coded in our archetypal patterns.

In her masterwork “The Interior Castle,” St. Teresa of Avila instructs that you should never go into the territory of your soul unaccompanied. She also teaches that the door to your soul has three hinges. Prayer, Humility, and Experiential Self-Knowledge. Sacred Contracts is experiential self-knowledge, one hinge of the door to your purpose on the earth at this time.

The Chart of Origin, or Sacred Contract, is the foundation of the work. Every person has a core team of 12 birth archetypes that comprise the fundamental guiding magnetic forces of your life. These 12 archetypes stay with you as you cast additional working charts, like the Journey of Transformation or the Fate to Destiny Wheel.   

The Journey of Transformation addresses a present-day situation or aspect of yourself that you want to change in a short time. It spans approximately three months and gives you actionable steps toward your “destination.”

The Fate to Destiny Wheel is a year-long in-depth study to release a long-standing fated aspect of your psyche or life experience and invoke a higher destiny. It brings in the universal question of the difference between fate and destiny. 

The House Opposition Group explores your Chart of Origin Archetypes with additional insights from the oppositions. These aspects form relationships in the chart and create areas of tension and opportunity. This six-week experiential class will discuss each axis and its unique lessons using myth, astrology, sacred geometry, scripture, and other wisdom teachings.

All the charts are an experiential exploration of alchemy, spiritual conversion, the hero’s journey, and even St. John of the Cross’ stages of the dark night of the soul. There are many ways to “be” in a chart; the depth available in all of these is profound.