Checklist of Health Issues and Illness
The purpose of the Checklist of Health Issues and Illness (CHII) is to allow you a fast and easy way to identify your own personal blocks and to allow you to work on removing these blocks.
The general concept is that unresolved spiritual, psychological or emotional factors impact the flow of energy in the chakras and may result, over time, in a weakening in the system and eventually in a physical illness. Conversely, balance and harmony within ourselves promotes a natural state of health. In short, our biography becomes our biology.
The body contains seven energy centers, known as chakras. Together, these energy centers are an archetypal depiction of your individual maturation through seven distinct stages.
You can learn more about your chakras here »
How it Works
After completing your purchase you will be taken to the CHII Assessment Survey. Your individual responses will, of course, be totally confidential and held in strictest confidence as with a counselor or doctor.
After you complete the assessment, you will receive an individual profile that shows your score for each chakra as well as for three themes: vitality, relationships, and spirituality. You will be given specific ways to address issues for each chakra.

How the CHII was created
Caroline Myss and C. Norman Shealy developed the CHII. It is based upon the theory developed by Caroline Myss and Norm Shealy over the past 15 years concerning the relationship between spiritual, psychological, and emotional factors and health or illness.
It took two years to develop the CHII. We sampled over 1300 adults in the United States, both people who are familiar with our work and people who know nothing about it. Developing a reliable and valid measure of attitudes, emotions, psychological issues and health allows for future research on the relationship of these factors to specific types of illness. This research could potentially augment the way allopathic medicine views the etiology of illness. It may also educate and empower individuals to enhance their own health and well being.
Important notes about the CHII
The CHII was created as a guide for those who are at the beginning of their spiritual journey. If you are very familiar with Caroline’s work, or are a mental health professional, you may not learn anything new from the CHII aside from your placement in each chakra.
The CHII is intended for your education and enlightenment, and is not a substitute for professional medical care. While CHII results will help you identify personal blocks or issues that may lead to illness, and point you in the right direction toward improving your overall well-being, the CHII is not an appropriate tool for identifying root causes of, or treatments for, specific ailments.