Prayer is a Mystical Substance

Hi, Everybody.
It’s time for a little video for our beloved Grace Network.
First, I want to say hi to all of you and discuss this global connection and how you can join it. All you need to do is go to my YouTube Channel and Subscribe. It’s free, and there is no cost to you.
And then I am going to encourage everyone to enter your prayer requests because we are keeping each other in our prayers and becoming a global prayer community. Remember, prayer is a mystical substance that transcends all religions. I want to be clear about that.
I want to talk to you today about two things. The first is about how your prayers are answered. Then, we will transition to faith because faith is the key ingredient in answering prayers.
Someone asked me if I would pick a time of day for everyone to pray. But since we are global, that would be 24 hours a day. I would suggest having a consistent time of prayer, as I do. I pray in the morning and then at night. I read your prayer requests and visualize myself putting them all into my heart so that it becomes one huge prayer request, which is enough recognition that I include you all.
Bless you, everybody. I’ll see you next week.