Love forms the structure of everything.

Hi everybody,
I am so delighted to have Nancy Rynes here. Out of the conversations we’ve had, and her remarkable experience, I said, this has got to become a class. I have to bring this to everybody because the content of her experience is so incredibly rich.
I’ve had decades of familiarity with near-death experiences, and I’m sure many of you are familiar with them in some way or another. There’s an archetypal pattern to them. And what is fascinating to me is how many people who are atheists or agnostics, drug users, addicts, in other words, unconscious spiritually, are the ones that are chosen to have these profound experiences. That’s number one. And then part two of this archetypal experience is that they are told in some way, that they need to be messengers of what they’ve experienced, that what they’ve been told on the other side needs to be brought back to people on this side.
I hope you enjoy this conversation I had with Nancy, where we discuss:
- Near-death experiences and their universal themes
- Near-death experiences and the feeling of expanded awareness and love
- Near-death experiences and their lessons on love and self-kindness
I can’t wait for this class and I hope all of you join us. It’s going to be a wonderful class, and you are going to be so inspired and also empowered.
“Sacred Guidance Shared through Near-Death Experiences” starts August 13 – please click here to learn more »