Jesus and the Birth of a New World

My dear friend Andrew Harvey wanted to share more on his upcoming Reflections Parallel course “Jesus and the Birth of a New World.”
Dear Friends,
I am profoundly moved and excited to present a four part transmission on Christ Consciousness directly relevant to our contemporary crisis and the opportunities for reimagining and restructuring our world it presents. Please listen to this 14 minute video so you can have a precise idea of the inspiration I will offer.
I hope and pray that as many as you as possible will take the plunge because the universal message of Jesus of love in action that transcends religion is I believe, the crucial message for our turbulent times. No one was braver or more noble, or more profound in his understanding of God, the world and humanities’ potential than the real original Jesus. We need to listen to him, be inspired and emboldened by him and put his passion for compassion and justice into action whatever religion or philosophy we belong to. See below for more information, registration and a video of my dear friend Caroline and I where we discuss the Mystic Spring Series she’s beginning which I am kicking off with this four part transmission. The price is amazing, deliberately low to invite as many people as possible.