Holy Love is Big Love

Hi Everybody,
Please enjoy my closing remarks from Robert Holden’s Reflections Parallel series – Love & The Enneagram.
I have often heard people say “Someone should do something about this” or “I don’t watch the news, it’s just too negative.” This kind of choice to remove yourself from the collective because you don’t like the news or you don’t like what’s going on is a choice that is an insult to your power. You under-estimate, you under-appreciate what your made of and what you’re doing here. Nobody was born to ignore life. Nobody was born to say someone else should do something.
When you are positioned to be a witness, or you are witnessing an injustice, or you are witnessing something that is wrong, looking at someone else and saying “someone should do something” or turning to the internet and writing a negative comment like that’s going to take care of it is a form of not tapping into your resources.
But most of all you’re not tapping into love. And I do not mean personal love. I mean you are not tapping into the power of the life force to make a difference. You are not using yourself as a loving vessel of transformation that is called upon in that moment to contribute some part of your life force, your love force to what you are witnessing.
I have learned so much from Robert Holden’s Reflections Parallel series – Love & The Enneagram, and I am deeply appreciative of his wisdom and his abundant love that flows through every one of his teachings. He is, I assure you, as loving as the material that he teaches. All ten classes of his series have been recorded and are available now. Our $100 discount for the series ends March 31. If you haven’t already joined us, I hope you will take advantage of this powerful course. Please click here to learn more »