Grace never leaves you. Ever.

Your soul can see what your eyes cannot, and it is a choice. It is a choice every moment of your life to say, I have to see this through the eyes of my soul. And sometimes you’re not going to want to make that choice. I promise you, you are not going to want to. You’ll be standing in self-righteousness and you’ll think, oh I am so right. I’m liking the way I feel. But those feelings of being self-righteous and right, you’ll notice, last for 20 seconds. They’re very short-lived. They’re kind of like a bad drug. And what happens is afterwards you feel so isolated and that’s the consequence of a false feeling. It’s not genuine, it’s never genuine.
Whereas, no matter how hard it is, when you really force yourself to say “I need get to soul, I’ve got to get to soul” – as hard as that is – the feeling never leaves you. Grace never leaves you. Ever. Which is why holy language is so powerful.
Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “The Power of Holy Language” presented in Vancouver in 2019. If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – please click here to learn more »
Understanding the power of holy language can change your life. Holy language has the capacity to inspire you, to open your inner world to guidance, to bring you to a place of resolution, and to help you see your way through a dark night. We turn to holy language when we need healing, when we are in despair, and when we recognize we have been given a miracle. Ordinary language is simply inadequate to communicate the gratitude of the soul.