Grace & Healing

Caroline Myss

Today I want to talk about grace and healing and its essential connection. This comes from all my work in teaching and healing for decades now, and in my puzzlement with the limitations of the mind, because we have invested so much of ourselves in thinking and believing that the mind is so well equipped to heal. When the mind-body template emerged onto the scene, we bought into the role of the mind to accelerate healing, and that beliefs and attitudes, etc, had so much to do with with assisting in the healing process.

And in the beginning, I have to admit, I bought into that too, because I didn’t know any better. But as the years went by, I thought, wait a minute here, the mind needs as much healing as the body. I mean, you can decide that you are going to somehow adopt a positive attitude when you’re sick, but then you have all these negative attitudes. And somehow, the mind alone did not seem to be a strong enough vessel to truly take on illness.

What I realized was that the true healing power was more along the lines of the sacred, more like Grace. Grace was required.

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