Even in the chaos of your life, there is God.

Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Entering the Castle,” presented in 2007.
In the first mansion, you must admit, “I hear you. I may not like what I hear, but I hear you.” And then, you own it. Through the work you do in the first mansion, you have to acknowledge that even in the chaos of your life, even in the distraction, there is God.
What brings me to this workshop is my relationship with the great Saint Teresa of Avila and how that incredible chapter of my life has deepened my understanding of how heaven—and your understanding of heaven—descends and becomes real in all of our lives.
When I speak about Teresa of Avila, this great, great Catholic saint, let me say that she died a cosmic saint, not just a Catholic. She had to come in a package. What makes her immortal is that she transcended her own package, and she articulated that transcendence in her great work, The Interior Castle—which is the inspiration for my own writing, Entering the Castle.
The essence of the mystical journey is that the mystic comes to know the experience of God, transcendent of the package they were born into. This is why the mystical experience is initially so frightening: it takes you out of the world you were born into, only to return you to that same world, where you discover that you are dropped back into who you are in this lifetime—but your compass is spinning.
My intention in working with all of you in this workshop, as we enter the castle, is to share what I’ve come to learn: that the soul is the most powerful force imaginable—and you cannot even begin to imagine it. A mystic is an individual who has been called—and there is the operative word, called—to experience the nature of God.
If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – click here to learn more »