Choices that will change your life

Hi everybody,
Today I’m doing a video that is sort of archetypal, sort of spiritual, sort of a combination of all that. I’m doing it on the power of choice, and how choice relates to self-esteem. And then I’m going to give you a list of choices that, I assure you, will change the quality of your life.
I’m doing this because as I’ve emphasized in so many videos, our power of choice is our greatest navigating tool as human beings. And choice is the means through which we participate in co-creation. It’s the means through which we initiate changes in our lives. And it ties directly, I think, into this greater moment of history in which we’re living. I think, in terms of evolution, we are meant to really get that the power of choice is an interior mechanism. Not an exterior mechanism, it is an interior force. And I think that that is why self-esteem has become a critical factor in our well-being, in our physical health and our in mental health. The more we develop our sense of self, the more empowered we become to make choices that reflect the greater reason we were born.
So I send this to you with a heart full of love and grace. And I hope that you’ll think and reflect on these choices with the truth in mind, that changing the energetic compass of your life is not about moving. It’s not about buying something. It’s about making energy decisions that require a lot of effort. But it’s that effort that will change the energetic content and the energetic atmosphere of your life. It is extraordinary. Changing the flow of power in your life is a matter of changing the flow of power in you.
P.S. My January 2025 workshop in Sedona, Arizona is titled “Choice & Power: Exploring the Choices That Matter in Life” – please click here to learn more »