Brexit: What the Archetype is Going On?

The following is an excerpt from this month’s Online Salon.
I’ve taught for some time now that we are living in a collective field of consciousness unlike any other time in human history. I am, of course, not the only one with that message. Nor is that news. But, if we actually paused for a moment to observe why this is a time like none other in history and what it is about this time that makes this era we are living in so extraordinary, perhaps we would recognize that our relationship to time and space is vastly different than generations who lived prior to the nuclear age. Whereas previous generations lived under the illusion that “change” happened gradually, today we experience all “change” as immediate. Our elders of course believed that oceans and borders protected them from the influence of decisions taking place in foreign lands.
As the world grew smaller, however, they learned that finances and industry and definitely war evaporated the artificial protection of national borders, though oceans seemed to still provide boundary authority. Nuclear power and the advent of energy technology swept away forever the idea that any boundary offered protection. The speed of weaponry evaporated the protection of the idea that distance was safety. Satellite communication and the Internet erased forever the idea that time was required to communicate anything to anyone. Equally impressive, technology blasted through the barriers of the mystical law, “What is in One is in the Whole.” Given the technology of the Internet, now one person could influence the whole global village in the blink of an eye, in no time at all, just like that. Mystics understood the power and awesome grace of this mystical law through years of devoted prayer, as often through a mystical experience they were divinely escorted out of their physical bodies and for a brief mystical second, merged into the whole of creation.
Naturally any attempt to communicate such an experience fell upon deaf ears. Teresa of Avila once reported, “My brain wanted to come with but it could not.” Mystical experiences are, after all, utter bliss for the soul but often moon dust for the mind. Logic and reason have no authority in the realm of the sacred.
What makes this time that we are living in so extraordinary, so awesome, so mystically misty, is that we are the participants – the living, breathing participants – in the experience of the mystical laws merging with the physical laws of science. The Internet is like a technical expression, in other words, of the “Innernet”, the way the collective soul of humanity is wired. The 100th Monkey theory works on the Innernet. Prayers for healing are transferred via our Innernet to each other. Our Innernet is our psychic Internet. Simple as that. It’s the psychic network through which people like me can access your energy field to do long distance medical intuitive readings. In the energy domain, as you should know by now, there is no time and there is no distance. Same rules apply to how an email travels, right?
So with this image of the Inter/Innernet in your mind, now think of the speed of change. Change happens not only instantly, it happens universally. Everything that happens to “one” happens to the “whole” of this planet simultaneously. This has always been the truth because it is a mystical law governing creation. Yet, we were not always capable of getting it, realizing it, or quite frankly, respecting the power and authority of this law in terms of its power to set into motion social, physical, financial and global changes. Teaching mystical laws often sounds like just a bunch of words pouring out of one’s mouth, which I appreciate.
But every now and again we are witness to living, breathing examples that illustrate that the power of change is in fact immediate, universal and requires the impetus of very few people to shift the direction of the future of the whole of humanity. On June 23 the people of the United Kingdom voted on Brexit: whether or not to remain a member of the European Union. Whereas we once may have thought that a referendum voted upon in the United Kingdom to remain or leave the EU would have little consequence to those of us living anywhere else, today we know how deeply all of us are impacted by that decision.
Though the fallout for some, perhaps many, may not be immediately obvious – just wait. It will trickle into your life in some way. Perhaps it will be financial. Perhaps it will be through travel complications and border controls or the need for visas. Who knows? But the Brexit decision initiating the first exit of a nation from the European Union – a choice fully unexpected and unanticipated when the EU was created – has fractured the entire EU, a collective of 28 (soon to be 27 nations), gathered together initially to insure a peaceful Europe.
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